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Recovery from Multiple Diseases after Practicing Falun Dafa

April 21, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1999. Before that, I was living a difficult life because of my ailments and mental stress. Each day was like a year for me.

I used to do shadowboxing, Taiji swordsmanship, and qigong. I also became a Buddhist and went to temples. Despite all of this, I still could not get rid of my illnesses and tribulations. I was barely sleeping because of frequent nightmares.

In 1996, I suffered from whole-body edema and became extremely thin. Drops of fluid flowed out of my skin and emitted revolting odors. I felt pain all over my body, constipation, and a frequent urge to urinate, but I could not urinate. When I went to the toilet, I could not rise up when I sat down and could not sit down when I rose up. My hands could not function properly.

I developed bad varicose veins in my legs. My whole body was rigid. I went to see doctors one after another and spent large sums of money, but nothing helped.

At this time, the factory I worked at closed down, so I could not apply for reimbursement of my health care expenses. Moreover, we had to spend a lot of money for our child to go to school. My husband was constantly busy with his work. One day, the roof leaked while it was raining, so I just used a piece of plastic to catch the dripping water.

My husband cried and said, "No one has it as difficult as me, with a broken house and an ailing wife lying in bed." I even thought of committing suicide. When my husband and child were away, I took large amounts of sleeping pills; however, I survived.

One morning in 1999, I came across a Falun Gong practice sitewhere practitioners were meditating. Their posture looked good. After that, I had a good impression of Falun Dafa. One afternoon when I woke up from a nap, I saw a large, silver, transparent srivatsa in the sky. It was not a dream.

Early the next morning, I went to practice Falun Gong at the practice site and received a copy of Zhuan Falun, a precious book. Since then, I have been practicing without stop. Teacher cleansed me quickly. I recovered from my illnesses and became optimistic. I put on weight and developed a healthy complexion. When neighbors, relatives and friends saw me, they all said I looked younger. I honestly told them that it was because I practiced Falun Gong.

After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, my husband's mind was contaminated by Jiang's regime and was controlled by the old forces. He did not allow me to read the books and practice the exercises for a long period. Once, I wanted to watch a VCD about Falun Gong, but I was afraid of being seen by my husband, who was playing Mahjong downstairs. He would have destroyed the VCD if he saw it. After inserting the VCD into the machine, I saw Teacher walk with vigorous strides toward the room and then sit down. Suddenly, Buddha's compassion illuminated the room. I felt warmth. Teacher was watching the video with me, which made me feel confident. It was Teacher who encouraged me and protected me. Teacher is with us ever and always. Since then, I have not felt frightened and firmly believe in Teacher and the Fa.

It is Teacher who saved me. I should listen to Teacher and cultivate myself well. I should also clarify the facts to save more people, and should not let Teacher down.