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A Fa Study Group in a Mountainous Village

April 21, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning province

(Clearwisdom.net) The Falun Dafa study group in a village in the mountainous area of Liaotung persists in studying the Fa, practicing the exercises, and devoutly cultivating Falun Dafa. These simple, kindhearted rural folks treat themselves strictly with the guidance of Falun Dafa, never forgetting that they are cultivators. They do three things well and treat those in other villages sincerely and kindly. These cultivators' unique character validates Falun Dafa's purity and nobility. The following are some stories about how this group devoutly cultivate themselves and clarify the truth of Falun Dafa to save sentient beings.

Respect Teacher and the Fa; Rectify Degeneration in Ourselves

Peasants in the countryside are busy with continuous farm work throughout the year. They plant their crops in the spring, till the soil in the summer, harvest the fields in autumn, chop firewood in the winter, and so on. After each day toiling in the fields, everyone sits together and studies the Fa. As they are ceaselessly studying and cultivating, they understand that our great merciful Teacher works so hard and bears so much to save us. Even Teacher is exhausted during the process of the Fa rectification. People who have reached higher levels of cultivation began to study the Fa on their knees. As Teacher's practitioners, we cannot be halfhearted when studying the Fa. Since then, every practitioner sits upright, reflecting our understanding of the importance of respecting Teacher and the Fa. Meanwhile, everyone understands that practitioners' words and deeds should be in accordance with the Fa. Everyone's words and deeds are associated with the issue of clarifying the facts, which should be rectified and should never bring shame on Dafa.

Displaying Couplets to Clarify the Truth

During the new year in 2007, couplets were published on Clearwisdom.net to clarify the truth. The new year is a traditional festival of the Chinese, and it is an indispensable custom for every family to display couplets. Everyone agreed to attach couplets to their doors to clarify the truth and tell the people that Falun Dafa is good. These couplets attracted the interest of many villagers.

A Reply

One month ago, a villager, who is so poor that he could not afford to take his wife to see the doctor, wrote a letter for his illiterate wife and told her take it to the Dafa practitioners. The letter indicated that she was coming to the group and he would support them if his wife became better. Otherwise, he would sue them. Two practitioners clarified the truth to her husband. Strong language greeted the two practitioners as they entered the house. However, with peaceful, smiling faces, the two practitioners explained the cause-and-effect relationship of Falun Dafa and the fact that good is rewarded with good and evil meets evil. Half a month later, the villager told the practitioners that his wife had recovered from her chronic headache and that she was doing some housework. He felt that it was good that she could continue to practice Dafa and that he would support the practitioner's group. Her husband now watches the clock every day, and when it is time to study the Fa together, he brings his wife to the group.

Thumbs Up

One practitioner's mentally challenged relative paid him a visit. The relative used hand language to tell the practitioner that she had been suffering from chronic stomachaches for many years. The practitioner used hand language to tell her that Falun Dafa is good and would be helpful for her. The relative trusted the practitioner and read Falun Dafa books every day. After one week, she recovered from her stomachaches. She happily went to the group, pointing to Teacher's portrait and held up her thumb, telling others that Falun Dafa is good and Teacher is good because she had recovered from her long-term stomachache.

As the Fa rectification progresses, practitioners in the Fa study group understand that they should be more brave and active as the Fa rectification of the universe nears a successful conclusion. We should take every opportunity to clarify the truth to the world and try to do the three things well in the course of safeguarding and promoting the Fa. We should advance towards consummation through cultivation within the Fa rectification. Now, we are ready to clarify the truth to the newly elected head of the village.