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Wiesbadener Kurier (Germany): Organs Harvested from Living People - Their Bodies Burned to Destroy the Evidence

April 19, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Wiesbadener Kurier newspaper published an article called, “Human Rights Not Made in China” on March 29, reporting on a China-related seminar held in Koenigstein the day before. A human rights expert pointed out at the seminar, “China has not made the slightest improvement in the freedom of the media and its legal system. Furthermore the banned Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners are suffering not only political persecution, but the more severe thing is, for a long time, they have been used as human body organ storage. According to need, living people will be killed after being selected for their organs and then the rest of body burned in order to destroy the evidence.”

The article states that well-known Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and former Canadian government Secretary of State (Asia Pacific) David Kilgour published a report, which was written after several months of research. They believe that there certainly exists an organ trade on the evidence of sudden huge profits being made in China. From 2001 until now, at least 42,000 organs were used for those organ-transplant operations, and the government can’t explain the source or where they came from. On the other hand, in labor camps, Falun Gong practitioners were systematically medically examined. Ms. Dai Ying, who is living in Norway, provided evidence of what she suffered in person in China’s labor camps.

Manyang Wu, a member of the International Human Right Association Council said, “The CCP government makes use of the persecution to make profits. The foreign enterprises in China very seldom think about human right issues. China is growing fast economically, but at the same time lots of human rights abuses are happening there too. Many Chinese products are produced in labor camps by those who are forced to work. As some specialists figure, most of those are low value products, such as Christmas goods, gloves and chopsticks etc., but there are also some valuable things like monitors, computers and computer accessories.

The seminar also mentioned that the Olympics will be held in Beijing in 2008. The article said, “Peter Kutilek, from the German Czech Olympic Watch, stressed that the principle of the Olympics cannot be separated from human rights issues. So officials of the international and national Olympic committee have the responsibility of urging China to respect human dignity and to honor freedom of speech and freedom of the press. But the appeal of the Olympic committee has been ignored.”

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200704/39004.html