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Urging Practitioners Who Have Experienced the Miracle of Dafa to Step Out and Clarify the Facts

April 18, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a practitioner from a village in Hunan Province. I started to practice Falun Dafa in May, 1996. One day in July, 1997, over twenty construction workers survived a very dangerous accident. Due to Teacher Li's protection, no one was hurt. This incident was an example of the power of Dafa.

Here is an account of what happened: One day in July, 1997, over twenty construction workers were working on a building remodeling project. A large container was needed to mix some coating materials. There was an old steel barrel at the work site, but the barrel's cover was rusted and could not be unscrewed. We could tell there were some liquid in the barrel, but we did not know what the liquid was. We assumed it contained water. Since the cover could not be unscrewed, the barrel was to be cut in half with a welding torch, to make two containers.

It was lunch time and most of us were taking a break in the room where we were working. Right after the welding started; a very loud explosion occurred which could be heard several hundred meters away. A big red fire ball ignited things into ash and smoke. Then the room became completely dark.

Everyone was shocked. After the smoke and ash dispersed, we realized that the barrel contained some chemical liquid. The red bricks which were used to support the foundation and the cotton quilt lining surrounding it, all turned to ash. We all looked at each other, and to our astonishment realized that none of us were hurt. Not even the person who was welding. I saw through my celestial eye that there was a Falun rotating in the room. I pointed it out to others and asked them to look, but none of them could see it. We were happy and afraid at the same time. I told them that I was a Falun Gong practitioner and Teacher Li had protected us. I also told them that there was a Falun Dafa book in the room which had Teacher's picture in it and therefore we were all safe.

After listening to me, most of the people present that day started to practice Falun Dafa.

Ten years have passed since this incident occurred. It seems out of date to talk about it now, but I am aware that many of these practitioners feel that they cannot step out to “clarify the truth” due to the persecution. Today, I am telling this story as a reminder to those fellow practitioners who experienced this miraculous event:

Do not miss this opportunity that only happens once every ten thousand years. The “Fa” is true and the Fa is righteous. Master is waiting for us! Step out to clarify the truth now!