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Death Row Prisoners Change Their Hearts After Learning About Falun Dafa

April 14, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Henan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Zhoukou City, Henan Province. A few year ago, I was imprisoned and suffered persecution because I appealed for justice for Falun Dafa.

In the prison cell, I talked to the inmates about the facts of Falun Dafa and exposed the Chinese Communist Party's lies. The whole cell learned the malice of Jiang and the wonders of Dafa. Among them, death row prisoners (both male) Jin Heping and Zuo Guomin listened very carefully. They felt both happy and regretful. They regretted coming to know about Falun Dafa too late. They wondered if it was because they didn't have good predestined relationships with Dafa. If they had learned about Dafa earlier, they would not have become prisoners doomed to die. They also felt very happy because they heard about Dafa when they were still alive, which meant they would avoid the suffering of hell after they died. They could continue cultivation after they reincarnate.

Jin Heping made good use of every minute to study the Fa, do the exercises, memorize Master's articles, and memorize Hong Yin. He persisted even in cold winter and hot summer days. Even though Zuo Guomin didn't practice Falun Dafa, he kept watch to protect me when I was doing the exercises. They arose from their desperation, releasing their inner emotional turmoil. They asked me to share my understandings of the Fa and tell them cultivation stories whenever they had time. The people in the whole cell admired the magical power of Dafa. In a letter Jin Heping wrote to his wife and his son, he wrote, "Treat Dafa well and become good people. If you do this, you will have good fortune. I will be delighted in the underworld."

In 2002 when their death dates approached, both Jin and Zuo said goodbye to everybody peacefully. On the way to the execution ground, I saw Jin Heping slightly close his eyes with a peaceful look on his face. In a dream I had the next night, Jin Heping and Zuo Guomin came to me with their hands pressed together in front of their chests in heshi. They said, "Thank you. You saved us." After I woke up, it seemed like the two people were still in front of me, and their voices were as clear as if I was still listening to them.

April 8, 2007