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Taiwan: The Divine Performing Arts Performances in Taipei Touch People's Hearts (Photos)

April 12, 2007 |   By Minghui reporter Li Huirong

(Clearwisdom.net) In April, the Divine Performing Arts held three shows in Taipei, and many people expressed their feelings.

Mr. Zhu Weibai, an artist: Everybody was touched

To Mr. Zhu, the way that the performance portrayed traditional Chinese culture through art was very impressive.

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Mr. Zhu Weibai, an artist

He said that the principle "Truthfulness" can help people to communicate with gods and that people must watch with their hearts so that they can appreciate the profound content. He noticed that the performers completely devoted themselves to their performances and collaborated with each other very well. "The Erhu performance completely expressed the heart of the artist."

"Dance in the West and dance in the East are different," he continued. Eastern dance reveals one's heart and the artists try to communicate with gods through dance." Mr. Zhu said that the dance "Rainbow" brought both performers and audience to the heavens and made audience feel that they, too, were dancing in the clouds

Mr. Zhu was very impressed by the selections "Mulan" and "The Loyalty of Yue Fei." He was moved to tears by the spirit in the dance "The Loyalty of Yue Fei." He emphasized that Chinese people should be proud of their 5000-year-long traditional culture, and try to spread and promote it.

Mr. Lin Bingbin: Wash one's heart with culture

Mr. Lin Bingbin, the president of the Association of Small Enterprise in Taiwan, and his wife saw the show. He said that the show manifested the profound Chinese culture. In modern society, people need wash their hearts with culture so that they will not get lost in their personal interests. He said that the show is very positive.

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Mr. Lin Bingbin, the president of the Association of Small Enterprise in Taiwan

Mr. Lin was impressed by the dance "The Loyalty of Yue Fei." He was amazed that the historic story could be expressed by a dance and that it touched so many people.

He said that in the modern society, many people are lost in the pursuit of money and fame. The show washes people's hearts with culture and historic stories, which is very positive for society.

What surprised Mr. Lin was that all the performers were Chinese born in America. "It is really amazing that the young performers understand the profound content of the Chinese culture and could express it through dance." He was very happy to come to the show with his wife, and he hoped that more people would have chances to enjoy it.

Ms. Lai Suru: Chinese people are proud to spread the Chinese Culture.

Ms. Lai Suru, the Parliament Member of the Taipei City Council, came to the show. She said that it was great that the overseas Chinese performers were making such an effort to spread the Chinese culture.

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Ms. Lai Suru, the Parliament Member of the Taipei City Council

Ms. Lai is a lawyer. She said that it is remarkable that the performers were able to present the long history and traditional culture of China through their wonderful performing.

Her favorites were the "Mongolian Bowl Dance" and the dance "Creation." She was wondering if the bowls were glued to performers' heads, and later she realized that those are real bowls and were not glued to their heads.

She admired the group's contribution to spreading the Chinese culture. She hoped that people in Taiwan would value the traditional Chinese culture more.

Mr. Lu Dacheng: The dance "Creation" awakened a memory deep my heart

Mr. Lu Dacheng is the chair of the Department of Religion at Furen University. He read many reports about the show before he came to see it. He said, "The performance level of the show is superb." He watched the third show in Taipei and said that the dance "Creation" awakened a memory in deep his heart.

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Mr. Lu Dacheng, the chair of the Department of Religion at Furen University

He said that the show was very creative. He was amazed that the performers, who grew up in America, had such good understandings of the Chinese culture and was impressed by the dances that portrayed patriotic spirit, such as "The Loyalty of Yue Fei."

The first dance, "Creation," moved many people, including Mr. Lu. He said, "The dance awakened strong feelings in my heart."

The dance "To the Rightful Place" exposed the persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Lu said, "My family members are Catholic. Two brothers of mine were jailed by the CCP for 20 years. My uncle was jailed for nine years and died in the prison. Although it happened in 1950's, it still hurts.

If you have a belief or opinion different from the CCP, it will persecute you. The persecution of Falun Gong is very brutal. I know about it and am very concerned about it."

He added, "The principle of 'Good is rewarded with good, and evils are met with retribution' represented by the dance is very true. The CCP will be punished. This is my hope. I believe that all the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners will not be in vain."

Mr. Lu said that the music, dance, stage design, costume, lights, and dances of the show were of a very high level, and he appreciated being able to see it.

Ms. Shen: The Divine Performing Arts participants perform with their hearts

Mr. Shen Chingkuang, the CEO of Jinghua Company, a famous department store in Taiwan, came to the show with his wife and 93-year-old mother. Ms. Shen told the reporter that she has been to many countries and seen numerous shows, and she said the Divine Performing Arts was the best because they performed from their hearts.

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Ms. Shen, 93-year-old mother of Mr. Shen Chingkuang

She said that every program was excellent and very touching.

Mr. Shen Chingkuang's wife didn't know very much about the Divine Performing Arts. After the show, she realized that they try to spread and promote Chinese culture through dance and music. She was very touched by their efforts. She said that the performances have had a very positive influence on modern Taiwan society.

Her favorite was the dance "Creation." She said that she felt the benevolence of the Buddha through the dance. The "Resounding Drums" was very energetic and encouraging, too.

Mr. Shen Chingkuang said, "The show not only portrays Chinese culture but also brings peacefulness and benevolence to the audience, which makes me very comfortable."

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Mr. Shen Chingkuang, the CEO of Jinghua Company, a famous department store in Taiwan

He said that the show presents traditional Chinese culture in a way that everybody can understand. He said it reminded him of his own education when he was young and that every educated person in Taiwan is familiar with the content of the show.

He said that it is very moving that the Chinese people born in America are trying to spread and promote traditional Chinese culture.