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Persecution at the First Detention Center in Datong City, Shanxi Province

March 29, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Datong City

(Clearwisdom.net) At the end of 2006, more than ten practitioners were detained in the First Detention Center of Datong City, Shanxi Province; these practitioners had been arrested during a raid even though they had not broken any laws. They ranged in age from 17 to 62 and were in the middle of ordinary tasks such as cooking, eating dinner, or talking with relatives who were visiting when they were arrested. These kind-hearted practitioners were arrested without cause; they simply insisted on cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Li Cuiye (male) led the "reform" of practitioners at the Detention Center and was also primary in plotting out the persecution.

In order to uphold their beliefs, the detained practitioners went on a protest hunger strike. During the hunger strike, several practitioners' lives were in jeopardy. Li did not stop the torture, but instead incited several strong, young criminal inmates to tie practitioners to chairs and hold down their heads, arms and legs to force injections. If the inmates had difficulty locating the veins for injections, they would prick the practitioners carelessly, often resulting in more than ten piercings. Li even said that if they were unable to locate a vein, they were to cut open a blood vessel arbitrarily. He also threatened practitioners, saying that if they moved during the injections, he would have the criminals prick them with needles. Sometimes they added an unspecified drug to the injections that caused nausea, dizziness and drowsiness.

The practitioners were also persecuted via force-feeding. Li used the same barbaric technique of binding a practitioner to a chair, but then forced non-sanitized tubes up the practitioner's nose and then down into the stomach for force-feeding. The perpetrators would shake the practitioner's body during the force-feeding, causing great pain and suffering. Li did not care if a practitioner became unconscious during the process, he would still continue to incite the criminals to carry out the persecution.

Telephone number of Datong First Detention Center : 86-352-2512134