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Cultivating Ourselves and Doing the Things Teacher Wants Us to Do

March 24, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) A while ago I read an article on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website in which the author mentioned that we must do what Teacher wants us to do. In the beginning, I only felt this point was very interesting. Later, based on the understanding I had gained from my own cultivation experience, I understood that this is really very important in our current cultivation environment and that some practitioners, indeed, have the problem of not doing well the things Teacher requires.

Since July 20, 1999, for the past eight years of persecution, Falun Gong practitioners have experienced the most evil test in human history. Many of them did not pass this test, but all the true practitioners passed this huge tribulation. Overcoming this test is our mission and also the most important thing Teacher wants us to achieve.

For practitioners, reaching the standard of the “Fa” and achieving the greatest magnificence in human history is not easy. Indeed, it is very hard, because the old forces have tried to systematically damage the Fa-rectification and we have many problems that we haven’t realized. Meanwhile, the old forces are still attempting to control and take advantage of us. So, many practitioners are still facing the challenge of failing or passing this test.

Although it is very hard for us to totally understand the full meaning of Teacher’s Fa, we, as Falun Dafa practitioners, must carry out the mission history has given us.

In the most important moment of human history, let’s send forth strong righteous thoughts, recognize and remove the arrangements of the old forces, do the “three things” even better, and move forward rapidly on the path Teacher has arranged for us. Along with the Fa-rectification process, all the problems will be readily resolved if we follow our cultivation paths arranged by Teacher.