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Removing Attachments with Righteous Thoughts

March 20, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In validating Dafa, when fellow practitioners are studying the “Fa,” sharing experiences, or doing a project, sometimes our human mentalities arise, and we have different opinions. Later we know to look inside, but because we have different degrees of insight, the amount of human mentality we remove is different. Recently an experience completely changed my stubborn human mentality and an old concept that I had for a long time.

One day, as several of us were discussing a project, a practitioner uncovered a side of me that I feared very much to expose. At the moment, my face turned red, my heart was perturbed, and I felt embarrassed. I quieted down, looked inside, and found my stubborn human mentality. Practitioners pointed out seriously that I must remove the attachment with righteous thoughts. I sat down and looked inside, and found I have other misgivings: fearing to offend people, fearing to do this and that. These things are like mountains blocking the way of cultivation, preventing me from improving, and interfering with my doing the “three things.” I must treat it seriously.

When fellow practitioners have shortcomings, I do not dare to tell them directly, talking in a roundabout way, mentioning the attachments casually, while maintaining superficial peace and harmony. I do not put down my human mentality and tell him or her sincerely. This does not meet the standard of Dafa and affects our walking the path of Fa rectification.

Teacher’s lecture reminds us to always look inside first, be kind to others, and be tolerant of others. If fellow practitioners accept the bad behavior today and ignore it, it will be harmful to Dafa. It will make ordinary people have misunderstandings about Dafa, and it will block us from “clarifying the truth.” If we walk our paths in a righteous way and do things well, we can validate Dafa well. Now individual practitioners have some strong human mentalities. If they can remove it with righteous thoughts, they can improve very quickly. Ignoring it would be the same as knowingly doing wrong things. Because practitioners are busy with Dafa work, we are a little lax in personal cultivation sometimes. However, we must pay attention to it. Only by cultivating ourselves can we do everything well. We must study the Fa whole-heartedly, put down all attachments, and do the three things well.

I have a limited level of understanding, so please point out any errors kindly.