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My Journey Back to My Hometown to Clarify the Truth

March 15, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In my journey to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa I realized that it is our Teacher who saves the world's people; practitioners are just following Teacher's request to help him rectify the Fa and harmonize what He wants. What Teacher sees in us are compassionate hearts that firmly believe in Him and the Fa, and care for sentient beings.

On Chinese New Year's Day in 2006 my brother (also a practitioner), another practitioner and I took truth clarification materials to our hometown and began our journey to clarify the truth. We met with aunts and uncles whom we hadn't seen for years, my grandmother's neighbors and our relatives and friends. Sometimes we stayed for hours at the homes we visited, other times we stayed overnight. We talked about the past and the truth about Falun Dafa. We brought home a list of more than 50 people who withdrew from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

When we talked about the truth we sent righteous thoughts at the same time, asking for Teacher's support. The effect of two people clarifying the truth as a team was excellent. We didn't go out of sentimentality, but treated each of them like any other sentient being. We talked about the persecution, the beauty of Falun Dafa, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, the CCP's half-century of slaughter, prophecies, how Gods are eliminating the CCP, and why one should withdraw from the party. One of my uncles withdrew from the CCP for himself and his grandson using aliases. One of my aunts and her family couldn't wait to quit the CCP. A few days later she called me and told me that her daughter and son-in-law, who'd been out the day we visited, wanted to withdraw, too.

We also went to my grandmother's neighbors. They are sincere Christians. After I told them the truth they asked, "What would you like us to pray for? What can we do for you?" I told them to explain the persecution to the people they knew so they wouldn't be against Dafa and they would withdraw from the CCP. That would be the best thing they could do. I also suggested they say, "Falun Dafa is good" every day when they prayed.

One time, when I was almost done clarifying the truth at a relative's place, a lady came to visit. I was in a real hurry to get somewhere but I wasn't done. I was debating whether to leave or stay and finish up. Then I realized that since she was there she had a predestined relationship with me and had come to obtain salvation. I had the support of Teacher and the Fa to clarify the truth. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements behind her in other dimensions. All of a sudden I felt relaxed; the evil elements were gone and I had a righteous field around me. I spoke to her as I would a stranger and asked about her job. I found out that she was a CCP member, and I told her, "Recently people in the big city I'm from are all talking about the catastrophe in the prophecies. They're discussing the catastrophe, the CCP's bloody history described in the Nine Commentaries, the June 4th Massacre in Tiananmen, and the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners." She said, "This town must be lagging behind because I haven't heard anything like that." I told her, "News like this is on every major website in the world, but you can't access these websites because Jiang Zemin spends billions of yuan every year to block Internet traffic and international TV broadcasting so we can't see the outside world. It's really bad for you to be a member of this party!" She thought about it and said, "Maybe I should withdraw from the CCP?" "Of course!" I told her. I also told her about the trend to quit the CCP. She wanted to hear about Dafa! What a pity it would have been if I'd left earlier!

We spent the first five days of the New Year in the car because most of the people we visited lived far away from one another. Sometimes we skipped meals, but we didn't feel hungry, cold, or tired even though we didn't eat or sleep enough. All we had in our minds was clarifying the truth. Most of the people we visited were close relatives and old neighbors, which made our job easier.

By myself I made a second trip back to my hometown. This time I felt the difficulty in saving sentient beings. The one who is truly providing salvation is our great and compassionate Teacher; and we merely have the desire to clarify the truth and offer salvation. Teacher has arranged the best for us at every step, as long as we have the rock-solid will to practice.

On August 20, 2006 I went back to my hometown alone on a journey to clarify the truth. A few days before I went I sent forth righteous thoughts every day, asking Teacher to help me meet people with predestined relationships and eliminate the evils that obstruct me from clarifying the truth.

I hadn't seen many of my friends for several years and had lost their contact information. I had no idea what they did or where they were. I spent all day walking the busy streets and touring department stores and shopping centers, hoping to run into some of them. I got nowhere. The weather was hot and I thought about going home, but somehow I knew I couldn't give up. Teacher said in Zhuan Falun: "When it seems impossible to do, or just hard to do, give it a try and see just what you can do." On my previous trip I'd asked Teacher every day to give me wisdom; I would send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions of the city. Since I was here I had to fulfill my responsibility. With this righteous thought I felt like I was an enlightened being as tall as the sky. I knew I was doing the most righteous thing in the cosmos. All sentient beings were waiting for me to come tell them the truth about Falun Dafa, as they had for tens of millions of years!

My wisdom came to me. Since I knew their names and where they might be, I called information and obtained their phone numbers. I called one of them, but nobody answered the phone for two days. I was a little frustrated but I didn't give up. I called my other friends instead. On the third day I called the first friend again and he picked up the phone! I was very excited! With Teacher's help I found my old friend, whom I hadn't seen for a dozen years. He told me, "Normally I don't answer the phone, but I felt there was something happening today, so I sat by the phone, and that's when you called me!" I told him the truth and had him quit the CCP. It is truly as Teacher said in Zhuan Falun:

"It's hard to do, but you can do it."

"And when you can really do it, just like that worn and weary traveler, you'll see, 'the shade of willows, the blooms of flowers, a place to rest my head!'"

If I'd given up on him I would have really regretted it when the Fa rectifies the human world. I truly understood that if a practitioner has a diamond-like resolve to save sentient beings, Teacher has already arranged everything for him. We already have the ability to clarify the truth. When we are determined to save sentient beings we will be able to do it well. That's what Teacher wants, and that's what the new cosmos wants.

Next I wanted to find my childhood playmate, Hong. I knew where she might be running her business and took a taxi to the neighborhood. I never expected the taxi to stop right in front of her shop! It was a little awkward seeing her again after a dozen years. She told me, "I normally don't come here. What a coincidence! It really is our destiny to see each other." Then I knew that Teacher had arranged for her to be there waiting for me, and another family was saved!

When I left Hong's house heading home, I ran into a childhood neighbor who was getting home from work. We barely recognized each other. She was so excited that she insisted I stay at her place that night. My human notions arose. I thought that since I really didn't know her that well, it wouldn't be easy explaining the truth to her. I wanted to get home before dark. We waved goodbye, and she kept on saying as she walked away, "We rarely see each other, it's such a precious opportunity." I knew I would never have returned to my hometown if it weren't for clarifying the truth, let alone see my friends. She seemed to be yearning for salvation. Looking at her face shook me. I felt the longing of sentient beings who'd reincarnated and waited for hundreds of millions of years. Time stopped as we looked at each other. I called to her, "Auntie Li, come here. I want to tell you something." Another life was saved. She told me, "Once there was a leaflet left on my door step about quitting the CCP, but I didn't quite believe it. Now I know it's really happening." I told her I could help her husband and daughter quit the CCP, too, but she should talk to them when she got home and make sure that they really wanted to do it from their hearts. She promised me she would, saying it was the right thing to do. I left some truth material and a pamphlet with her before we parted. I couldn't stop thanking Teacher for arranging for me to catch her when she got off work. Teacher will help us clarify the truth as long as we have the heart to do it.

On my way home with a list of more than 50 people wanting to quit the CCP, my excitement was indescribable. It felt like I'd been through many lifetimes of tribulation and came back from a journey to enhance my xinxing. I'd stood under the searing sun for hours to wait for a friend; time went so slowly when I clarified the truth to the people I hadn't seen for so many years, especially when there were strangers around me and I felt so awkward. With Teacher's help, however, I passed test after test, ordeal after ordeal, and witnessed miracle after miracle. I suddenly realized that I'd matured a lot.

My fellow practitioners, we all have friends, relatives and neighbors. Let's get up and tell them the truth! Don't worry and don't doubt. Send forth righteous thoughts and remember that our great Teacher is looking after us every moment. Do what you are supposed to do and Teacher will arrange for you to save people with predestined relationships. The fact is, they are waiting for us!