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What Can We Do to Put an End to the Persecution that Our Fellow Practitioners Are Enduring?

February 27, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Beijing

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been thinking about Mr. Cao Dong lately. He is currently alone and imprisoned in Northwest China. I have learned so much from him in the past several years. He has always put validating Falun Dafa as his first priority. He was only newly-released from prison, but he didn't stop validating the Fa. When he was needed to step forward, he risked his life to be interviewed by the Vice President of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott.

In contrast, some of the other practitioners in Beijing, having experienced tribulations, are trapped in personal cultivation and fail to measure up to the various requirements of Falun Dafa practitioners. They fail to be increasingly diligent as the end of Fa-rectification approaches. For example, they will not take any risks to clarify the truth, are busy with everyday life, and are seeking comforts in life. They would like to spend the last stage of Fa-rectification in peace. The mission and responsibilities of Fa-rectification practitioners are fading from their minds. Although they check the Minghui/Clearwisdom website occasionally, send forth righteous thoughts on schedule, and study the Fa and also clarify the truth, something is separating them from Falun Dafa. It is selfishness and human concepts. They are holding on to them and will not let go. They do not immerse themselves in the Fa, in a selfless manner and without reservation. Some give excuses of needing to study the Fa with a calm mind, and conforming to ordinary society. In fact, they are covering up their fear and their attachments in order to protect themselves. What they want to protect are their comfortable lives. They are passively waiting for Teacher and other practitioners to rectify the human environment. When other practitioners are being persecuted, they pick on their shortcomings and attachments, in effect acknowledging the arrangements of the old forces, and reinforcing instead of alleviating the suffering of fellow practitioners.

I believe that what has happened to Mr. Cao Dong should have touched upon every practitioner in Beijing. Fa-rectification disciples are being tested as a whole. If we want to completely negate the tests and arrangements of the old forces, we have to measure up to the xinxing level and realm required of Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners. Mr. Cao Dong was the first to take risks to clarify the truth directly to the international community. This requires tremendous righteous thoughts, based on courage from Falun Dafa and compassion for sentient beings. His illegal arrest and trial has a lot to do with the state of the one body of Beijing practitioners. When we heard about his persecution, we should have all looked inward to see what xinxing issues of ours have contributed to the loopholes of the one body. Whoever is persecuted brings losses to the one body. What are our responsibilities? If we had done better, perhaps our fellow practitioners would not have been persecuted. If we had known that our practitioners were going to clarify the truth, if we had all cooperated and studied the Fa well and helped with the planning and with sending forth righteous thoughts, continuously and intensively, and if our xinxing level and state were in the right place, and we had formed a strong, harmonious one body, we would have established a strong field of righteous thoughts. As a result, the evil may not have been able to persecute any of us. Instead, they would be eliminated.

Now that the incident has happened, our thoughts are very crucial. What can we do to dissolve the persecution our fellow practitioners are enduring? We can no longer be indifferent and regard this from the point of view of an outsider. We should not feel lucky that we, ourselves, are not being targeted or blamed by other practitioners. Beijing practitioners have the responsibility to intensify sending forth righteous thoughts to clear the evil in the field of Beijing. We should also expose the situation, regarding how Mr. Cao Dong is being persecuted, on the Internet in a timely fashion, and distribute the information to the residents of Beijing to appeal for their assistance in the rescue.

We should also keep in mind that the purpose is not only to rescue a practitioner, but to eliminate the evil field in other dimensions so more people will be saved after they understand the truth. At the same time, in order to rescue a fellow practitioner, we have to be cooperative so we can grow as one body and improve as one body. If we could not do as Teacher said, "The next person's things are your things..." (Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference), we would still be selfish beings from the old cosmos and we would be taken advantage of by the old forces.

Mr. Cao Dong will soon be sentenced according to the perpetrators' schedule. We cannot acknowledge such trials that ignore the principles of heaven. We have to disintegrate it. In fact, this is not just for Mr. Cao Dong. Faced with the pressure and dirty means of the national machines, hijacked by the evil, our fellow practitioners are enduring what they should not be enduring. To put an end to all this, we should all think hard: What can we do?

February 9, 2007