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Becoming Upright and Dignified Dafa Disciples

November 08, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Fuxin City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, I discovered a common problem among many practitioners. They are determined about the Fa in their cultivation and they are enthusiastic about Dafa work. However, their situations at home are not good. Some of these practitioners' family members are seriously against their practice. The others, while they may not be against the practice, have the idea that we (practitioners) owe them something. They not only feel justified in enjoying the results of the "perfect harmony" that practitioners offer, but they also are picky about the offerings. My understanding of the fundamental reason is that our practitioners do not have a clear understanding about the Fa, and are without the strong and clear idea that cultivation is the biggest and the most righteous thing.

I just "crawled" out of this human mindset. The moment that I enlightened to it, I regretted the tremendous amount of time and energy I had wasted on the issue. A practitioner told me that the Party propaganda had poisoned her family. They not only refused to help her to resist the persecution, but they held her responsible for destroying their lives. Nevertheless, she got through to her family members by demonstrating great compassion and forbearance for many years. Eventually she untied the knots that should not have held her back. Let's think about it. Master said in "Expounding on the Fa," from Essentials for Further Advancement,

"When a tribulation arrives, if you, a disciple, can truly maintain an unshakable calm or be determined to meet different requirements at different levels, this should be sufficient for you to pass the test. If it continues endlessly and if there do not exist other problems in your xinxing or conduct, it must be that the evil demons are capitalizing on the weak spots caused by your lack of control. After all, a cultivator is not an ordinary human. So why doesn't the side of you that is your original nature rectify the Fa?"

Of course. If we could have enlightened earlier, our environments would have changed a long time ago.

Another practitioner became more determined when her family intensified their opposition. When her family members gave her a hard time, her thought was, "Only when I become more determined will I improve." Although her thought was a bit limited, she did not have a human mindset. Looking back at the cultivation path that I walked on in the Fa-rectification period, I made it known to the public that I was a Falun Gong practitioner openly and with dignity. I thought this behavior was to validate the Fa! I did it in many social situations and the results were good. However, after going home, my thoughts changed. I thought that my family members would suffer with me and that I owed them, so I took care of them with my human attachments. The result was more unreasonable requests and more grief. When they were at home, I was not allowed to study the Fa or send forth righteous thoughts, nor accept visits from my fellow practitioners.

Master said in "Environment" from Essentials for Further Advancement,

"Think about it: Even people's claim that they have evolved from apes is able to be highly regarded. Yet with this great Dafa of the universe, you are embarrassed to give it a correct position--this is human beings' true shame."

From that time and on, I intentionally intensified my thought, "What I am doing to validate the Fa is the most righteous. No one can interfere with me." In addition, I added another thought, "You are my family. You also came for the Fa. You can only play a positive role. Otherwise, I don't acknowledge or allow it." Of course, I found my attachment to fear of facing conflicts. My cultivation environment then began gradually changing. Because I have found that many fellow practitioners are still facing the same problem, I wanted to share my experience and hopefully provide some help.

October 24, 2007