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Veteran Medical Officer from Beijing Suffers Brutal Torture in Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

November 06, 2007 |  


Mr. Gao Liangui, 69 years old, is a retired director of a hospital in Beijing and a Falun Gong practitioner. On March 27, 2006, he was arrested by officers from the Beijing Fengtai District 610 Office, the security department of the Chinese Academy of Space Technology, and the neighborhood administrative office. His home was ransacked in the process. He was first taken to a brainwashing center, where he held a hunger strike to protest his illegal arrest. Five days later, he was taken to the Fengtai Detention Center. The Beijing National Security Bureau and the 610 Office then sent him to Beijing's Division of Dispatch for People Sentenced to Forced Labor. Later he was sent to Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The most common methods of torture used in Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp include the following:

1. Being confined in a solitary cell for more than a month at a time

2. Being forced to attend brainwashing sessions run by a group of collaborators, former practitioners who have turned against Dafa

3. Being shocked with electric batons, immobilized with handcuffs, forced to wear a motorcycle helmet for extended periods of time, etc.

Mr. Gao Liangui was confined in a solitary cell for four months after he was taken to the Second Division of Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp.

In March 2007, he was transferred to the Fourth Division. The guards told Mr. Gao to participate in a "formation drill" in the afternoon after he arrived in the morning. Mr. Gao talked to the division head and asked to rest because he was not feeling well. He was then beaten and verbally abused by inmate Jin Weixing and Political Instructor of the Fourth Division Wang Donglei. Wang Donglei knocked him to the ground and kicked him in the abdomen, chest, and back. He also stepped on Mr. Gao's head after he kicked him violently and yelled, "This is the Fourth Division. We don't have civilized management here."

Then Wang Donglei yelled to the other inmates, "I didn't beat him!. Who beat him? Who dares to be a witness for him?" Then he ordered two inmates to take Mr. Gao Liangui to his office by force and continued to beat him mercilessly.

After this incident, Mr. Gao Liangui was taken to the formation drill by force every day. He became severely emaciated and very weak due to torture and being overworked. He didn't have a single bowel movement for several months. He lost consciousness in the bathroom multiple times. He is still suffering from this effects of this mistreatment today.

Mr. Gao Liangui reported his bad health to the labor camp management and requested to be released for medical treatment multiple times. His requests were always rejected.

Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia: 86-478-5212343, 86-478-5558209
Wei Minxuan (male), Head of Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp and Secretary of the Party Committee
Yang Furong (male), Deputy Head of Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp, in charge of persecuting practitioners