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Letting Go of the Attachments of Selfishness

October 30, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Below is my understanding of how to let go of all the attachments of selfishness and self-protection as we save sentient beings.

As the Fa-Rectification progressed, Dafa disciples in China started to clarify the truth comprehensively to make the best use of their time to save sentient beings. We have also gradually improved ourselves according to Master's Fa teachings. During this time, I also overcame many forms of interference. When I first began promoting the reception of NTDTV broadcasts, I had the attachment of fear and self-protection. Because I was homeless, I wanted to find practitioners who knew the techniques of receiving broadcasts, and promote NTDTV in the areas I had been to before. But because I became afraid that people would know where I had been before and that spies would track me, I did no longer wanted to do any promotion and I wanted to give up. But I also realized that with the fast progress of Fa-Rectification, this was the most effective way to spread the truth. I could feel the energy field whenever anyone watched the NTDTV programs. Their minds were purified. This energy field was the Buddha's light sent by Master to illuminate everywhere and to save all sentient beings.

During my Fa-study, I realized that I had the attachment of selfishness and I unconsciously acknowledged the arrangement of the old forces. Cultivation is very serious, and I realized that I should look inward to find any thoughts that were not righteous and improve myself to save more sentient beings. I then know that I should no longer be taken advantage of by the evil.

Later I found practitioners who knew the technology and I introduced them to local practitioners to teach them how to install NTDTV. Some local practitioners were very excited after they heard this. The practitioners who had the attachment of fear also improved themselves by studying the Fa, looking inward, and sharing experiences with other practitioners.

In some areas, many practitioners installed NTDTV in their homes. Some practitioners' family members who were not against Dafa before started practicing Falun Gong after they watched the NTDTV programs. Some practitioners' family members did not allow them to install NTDTV. But after the practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, their family members changed their minds. After their family members saw an NTDV program their minds were purified and they realized how good the programming was. In one area, all the practitioners promoted NTDTV. They realized that it was just the beginning of practitioners installing NTDTV and that the most important thing was letting everyday people see NTDTV. But how were they to convince people to install NTDTV? Even some of the practitioners had fear, not to mention the people who did not practice Falun Gong.

After studying the Fa and sharing experiences, we realized that we first needed to change ourselves and improve ourselves within the Fa. We should let go of all attachments, assimilate to the Fa principles of the new universe, and become selfless. We should constantly send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all evil beings and factors in other dimensions until they are gone. We realized that no matter what kind of format was used, it was the evil beings and factors from other dimensions that controlled evil people in the world to persecute practitioners. We knew that Dafa disciples should use the supernatural powers Master endowed us with to stop the persecution and save sentient beings. There is nothing the enlightened beings and gods cannot do. We should start with our relatives and friends to promote NTDTV. When they see the program and feel it is good, they will spread the information to others.

In some areas, it is very expensive for people to install the digital television program. Others thought it was very reasonable to spend a little more than 200 yuan to install NTDTV. We used money given by practitioners to the materials production sites to install NTDTV for people. We sometimes just charged the cost, and sometimes installed it for free. Practitioners had different opinions about this. Some practitioners said we needed to charge the cost at least because the money was from the material sites. Some practitioners said that since we did not charge people any money when we distributed truth-clarifying materials, we should not charge for installing NTDTV. The money is to save the sentient beings and we should not differentiate one method from another. My personal understanding is that at the beginning, in order to promote NTDTV to save everyday people, we may not charge any money. When NTDTV is widely promoted, things will be different.

From another point of view, the practitioners in China all realized that time was very limited for saving sentient beings. All the practitioners contributed their own money, especially the practitioners who have more than others. To our materials sites and the coordinators who manage and contribute moneys: If we do not use all the money that practitioners have contributed to save sentient beings and just save it instead, and if tomorrow the persecution ends, all the money with evil Party heads' pictures on it will become trash. We could not use it to save sentient beings since it would be trash. That would be a very bad thing. This is no different from the old forces blocking our financial resources.

After enlightening to this I looked inward and found that I also had an attachment to money. I went to work to earn money. I spent money when traveling. Sometimes I spent time to earn money instead of spending the time to save sentient beings. I always wanted to save some money. The origin of this is the attachment of selfishness and money. We must cultivate ourselves together. Dafa has high standards for Dafa disciples. Practitioners in the Fa-Rectification period must meet the standard. With the progress of Fa-Rectification, Master said that this is the most important project--the front line project. This is the responsibility of all practitioners in China. Actually Master's Law Bodies and righteous Gods strengthened us to help us do this. This is using the salvation of sentient beings to establish greater mighty virtue. There is nothing our righteous thoughts cannot do.

In another area, two local coordinators installed NTDTV first. The other practitioners saw it and felt it was really good. They were very excited and thought, "This is our TV program and all the practitioners should install it." As a result, most of the practitioners in the area installed NTDTV. But at that time, someone said that the government did not allow NTDTV to be installed. The practitioners realized this was interference. They sent forth righteous thoughts together to thoroughly eliminate the old forces and all of the dark minions and rotten demons in the Three Realms. There has since been no interference. We are now beginning to promote NTDTV to the public. Those who have seen NTDTV say that Dafa TV is very good. Some also wanted to get into the business of installing NTDTV, and they asked practitioners to refer clients to them. I also realized that the Clearwisdom broadcasting station's exercise time is a dimension. It is a dimension for practitioners to get together. It is the time to do all five exercises at one time and it is the time to join the mind and body together. We should not follow our attachments and inertia and do the exercises whenever we want.

All practitioners should watch the NTDTV broadcasting station. This is the field to eliminate all evil beings. But practitioners in many areas are still not familiar with the technology, and many practitioners are still waiting to see about this new approach. The coordinators should pay attention to it first and get familiar with the best way to promote it, and many practitioners should learn how to install it. This work is simple, easy, and safe as long as we have people to supply the equipment. Practitioners in many areas still have not paid attention to this project. From my understanding, the Global Human Rights Torch Relay also uses this format to spread the truth of Falun Dafa to every corner of the world and save all the sentient beings. Master creates a huge field and lets us save the sentient beings in the field. All the positive lives and negative lives exist for us. What do we have to fear?

The above are my personal understandings. If there is something improper, fellow practitioners should kindly point it out.