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Falun Dafa Practitioners Attending the New Year Spectacular Should Also Save Sentient Beings

January 25, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) I was fortunate to be able to attend the last Toronto performance of the NTDTV Global Chinese New Year Spectacular on January 20, 2007. When the audience arrived, I noticed that many around me were Chinese. The first performance on the program was the dance, "Vows." It depicted how gods made vows to descend to the human world and assist the Master in the Fa-rectification. When the dance was over, I heard snickers amidst the applause. I began to pay attention to the Chinese people around me.

A family of three sat next to me. When the Spectacular first started, they talked occasionally among themselves, "This is Falun Gong." When the performers sang, "Falun Dafa Is Great," the daughter and mother became impatient. The daughter complained, "It's that stuff again!" Although most people applauded loudly, this family didn't even move their hands most of the time. Even when they applauded, they looked reluctant. Soon, the first half ended.

When the second half began, I noticed that the Chinese person who had sat in front of me had left. I was a little anxious, "How could he go? If he had stuck around until the end, he might have been saved." At this point, I suddenly realized that, as a Dafa disciple, I should have done some things that I didn't do. Furthermore, I was acting like an observer, watching how the practitioners on stage and off stage assisted Master in the Fa-rectification. Did I come here today just to relax?

I also came to understand another point: Master said that our energy field can rectify all abnormal conditions. However, if I came here to watch the performance with an ordinary person's mentality, then I would be an ordinary person, and my energy field would not have any effect. I should rectify the situation; my thoughts can surely accelerate the changes in this family of three. As soon as I had this thought, I felt the effect of my energy field immediately. I continued to send righteous thoughts to clear away the evil factors that controlled the people around me. I also applauded louder, since I believed that my applause also carried energy. Just as I expected, the family near me began clapping more. Gradually they stopped complaining. The girl's parents as well as the Chinese people around me all applauded for the performances.

After the program was over, the audience gathered to see the dragon and lion dances in the lobby of the theater and did not want to leave. I know it was their knowing side that was basking in the joy of having been saved. However, the Chinese person sitting in front of me should have been saved, yet due to my carelessness, he was led astray by the evil. As the saying goes, "There is no medicine that can cure regret."

The Spectacular is still being performed all over the world. I wanted to write about my regret so that all overseas Dafa practitioners could learn from my shortcoming and not slack off at any moment. No matter what we are doing, first of all, we are Dafa disciples. We should merge into the Fa at every moment. Our mission is saving people; we should be able to use everything in the world for our goal. When we are in a comfortable environment, the test is even stricter. This is just my understanding. Please point out anything inappropriate.