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Exposing the Hypocritical Tactics of the Langfang Brainwashing Center to Expose Its Evil Nature

January 17, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since 2000, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained at Langfang Brainwashing Center in Langfang City, Hebei Province. Over the past few years, Han Zhiguang, the Director of the Langfang 610 Office, has actively taken part in the brutal persecution of Falun Gong. He incited Zhao Lihua to make use of collaborators Li Shuxiang, former section leader of the Langfang Foreign Trade; Guo Ling; Zhang Jing; and others from the Property Administrative Office of the Petroleum Pipeline Bureau to hold several brainwashing sessions. At various times these sessions were held at "Yuecheng Guest House," "No. 2 Hostel" in the Anci District, "Leyuan Guest House," and "Jiaotong Guest House." Now the brainwashing center is part of the detention center. The center is commonly known to the public as the "Legal System Education Class," but in essence it is one of the most notorious places for persecuting Dafa practitioners.

Over the last six years, several thousand practitioners have been sent to the brainwashing center to undergo a process of so-called "transformation," the purpose of which is to force the practitioners to renounce Falun Dafa or to give up their belief in the cultivation practice. Those detained at the brainwashing center had their freedom restricted and were forced to listen to lectures of false reasoning and slander. The practitioners were verbally abused, forced to stand still for long periods of time, and deprived of sleep. Steadfast practitioners were threatened with being sent to a forced labor camp where the persecution against them would be escalated.

The guards at the brainwashing center brutally beat the practitioners, swore at them, and flicked their eyeballs to deprive them of sleep. The brainwashing center used nerve damaging injections as well as force-fed those practitioners who went on hunger strikes to protest the inhuman persecution. The guards also put drugs in the food and water as well as in what they used in force-feeding. Small doses usually can make people become mentally incapacitated without their being aware of it and large doses can make people suffer even more. The victims get dizzy, suffer from headaches, and become mentally disordered. In serious cases, practitioners for a time lost their memory, developed a stiff tongue, had an empty mind, and suffered from extreme headaches and lethargy or sleeplessness. In all cases, the victims suffered severely from constant, lingering pain. Some were even sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and some even suffered a complete mental breakdown.

The brainwashing center of the Langfang 610 Office carried out all these evil deeds behind closed doors. The entire staff, from Han Zhiguang, the head of the 610 Office; Zhao Lihua, a section head; Chen Bin; and others, to the collaborators headed by Zhang Jinxin, Jia Shanlin, and Guo Lin, were all very hypocritical. When you first arrived at the brainwashing center they would express extreme "concern" over you and inquire amiably about your welfare. All these expressions served only one purpose, that is, to "transform" you so that you would give up your belief in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." If you refused to renounce Falun Dafa, they would begin to exert pressure, step by step, and try to persecute you mentally. As a result some practitioners suffered a mental collapse. All those who have been held at a brainwashing center experienced pain and inhuman torture beyond the imagination of everyday people. One practitioner said, "Inside the brainwashing center the days dragged on like years. The mental pressure we suffered was beyond human endurance. I would often wake up with a start and be in a constant state of anxiety. As a result I was not always in my right mind. The depraved officials and the collaborators all acted like they did me favors, but actually they were sugar-coated bullets. They would begin with hypocritical lies and then they would resort to threats and intimidations as well as make ironic remarks. They would also adopt the trick of fighting a protracted 'war' so we would feel tremendous mental pressure every minute. They would use whatever tricks they could in order to make us renounce Falun Gong."

Another practitioner said, "In the brainwashing center, a woman with the surname of Zhao forced me to stand for a long time as punishment, verbally abused me, and intimidated me. Every day she came with thugs to force me to write the 'Five Statements' [similar to the Three Statements]. They also wanted me to write the statements in their words. If I did not obey, they beat me up. They forced me to write the statement again and again until it was in line with what they wanted. I witnessed their staged acts. Every time an official came from above to inspect the center, they informed me in advance and told me to cooperate with them. Otherwise I would be punished or be threatened with a forced labor or prison sentence." This is their true, evil nature behind their hypocritical tactics!

In the beginning of 2006, the authorities illegally arrested Ms. Mi Xiaozheng, a practitioner from Shijiazhuang City, and took her to Langfang Brainwashing Center. Previously, she had been held at the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Center. However, she refused to compromise during the eight months of brutal detention. At their wits' end, the Hebei Provincial 610 Office transferred Ms. Mi to Langfang City Brainwashing Center in an attempt to make her compromise under the influence of their hypocrisy.

Every crime at the brainwashing center was committed under the direct orders of Han Zhiguang and Zhao Lihua. As a matter of fact, the crimes committed by the 610 Offices in all cities and counties under the jurisdiction of Langfang City were all directly or indirectly related to these two evildoers.

Han Zhiguang has been the Head of the Langfang City 610 Office since July 20, 1999. He repeatedly incited his subordinates to commit crimes. To deceive the practitioners into cooperating, however, he always put himself forward as a kindhearted person. He sent numerous practitioners to forced labor camps. He was cited for his so-called "merit" in persecuting Falun Gong. He is known to have used a particularly vile form of persecution: those who had been coerced into renouncing Falun Gong would be released only when they had betrayed two fellow practitioners.

Since July 20, 1999, Han Zhiguang and Zhao Lihua have been repeatedly promoted for their efforts in persecuting Falun Gong. They have also received ill-gotten wealth from persecuting Falun Gong. For every practitioner they deceived into renouncing or forced to renounce Falun Gong, they have received a few thousand to ten thousand yuan. In addition, each detainee's workplace has also paid several thousand to ten thousand yuan. Over the past few years, since several thousand practitioners have been detained at the brainwashing center, these two have become very rich. Now they own several houses each.

They are continuing to persecute Falun Gong simply because they are after the money. Obsession with money has made them lose their conscience. As a result, many practitioners have been sentenced to imprisonment or forced labor, some have had their families broken up, and many have been forced to leave home and become homeless in order to avoid being arrested and persecuted. Now the practitioners in the brainwashing center are suffering from the same persecution. I hope that the local people in Langfang and the kindhearted Falun Gong practitioners can see their true, evil nature. Do not be tricked and do not be deceived by their hypocrisies.

Langfang 610 Office, Hebei Province: 86-316-2015211 extension 6162

Han Zhiguan, the chief persecutor

Zhao Lihua, her phone number is currently unavailable, her husband's number: 86-316-2098255,
Chen Bing, staff member: 86-13832626689

Li Shuxiang, collaborator: 86-316-2082297 (home phone) (She has long been used by the Langfang City 610 Office to help them persecute practitioners. She is the head collaborator at the brainwashing center.)