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Solemn Declarations by Young Dafa Practitioners

September 21, 2006 |  


Solemn Declaration

I started practicing Falun Gong with my mother when I was four years old. Although I was very young, I knew that Dafa was good. When I was in first grade, the evil CCP (Chinese communist party) started persecuting Falun Gong. Under pressure from my teachers, I signed documents attacking Dafa. At present I study the Fa with my mother. I came to realize that it was wrong to sign my name, and that my action caused a loss to Dafa. I now solemnly declare that everything I did or wrote against Dafa is invalid. In the future, I will follow Teacher’s words and become a qualified young practitioner.

Bi Jieqiong

August 10, 2006


Solemn declaration

I am a young practitioner. My father was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp because of his belief in Falun Dafa. My grandmother does not practice, so she did not know the truth about Dafa. She taught me to say things that were disrespectful to Teacher and Dafa. Now I declare that the things I said are invalid. In the future, I will do the three things well and make up for the loss I have caused to Dafa.

Xie Zeyu

August 18, 2006
