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A College Student's Cultivation Experiences

September 19, 2006 |   By a practitioner in China


1. Letting Go of Everyday People's Notions, Eliminating the Evil Party's Factors with Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Not long ago, I saw a practitioner's article on Minghui.net (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net) that related how a practitioner's righteous thoughts affected a Communist Party's deceptive public lecture, transforming the atmosphere to expose the true nature of the party.

Teacher said that:

"...personal liberation is not the goal of cultivation: when you came, saving sentient beings was your great aspiration, and that is the responsibility and mission history has bestowed upon you in Fa-rectification."("Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People")

I kept reading this passage silently, and this gave me strength. In my school, teachers usually vilify gods, Buddhas, and Dafa in their political science classes, and this has poisoned many students. Originally I had considered not taking this subject, because they are so evil that they give me headaches. But thinking over the phrase "personal liberation is not the goal of cultivation," I realized that, because of its tremendous evil, I could not give in. It would be a threat to the evil just for me to sit there, and I should not allow it to poison the world's people. Therefore, every class became a good chance to eliminate the communist evil spirits that control schoolteachers to persecute Dafa and poison students' minds.

One day the school authorities abruptly informed us of an evening lecture and required all students' attendance. When I arrived at the meeting place, the doors were still shut, so we all waited outside. Many people wanted to leave. Then I heard a student say that the lecture had been organized by the Party. I thought of going home when I heard this, but I rectified my unrighteous thoughts immediately. I wondered why I had heard about the lecture's subject matter. There was still half an hour before the lecture. Wasn't this a good chance for me to eliminate this evil lecture? The spokesman was the school's Director of the Youth League. I made up my mind and sent forth righteous thoughts immediately: "Eliminate all the evil factors behind the meeting host, eliminate all the evil factors on the meeting agenda, fill the classroom with the sound of righteous thoughts, and ruin all the evil conspiracies." The meeting then centered around Confucius' teachings and educated students to follow Confucius' teachings. Not a word was cited from the CCP propaganda.

I became more confident that we were changing the world. This was an encouragement from Teacher. There is nothing we cannot do with righteous thoughts and Dafa.

2. Creating an Environment to Study the Fa Together

Encouraged by fellow practitioners' experience sharing articles, I started to memorize Zhuan Falun again. I had memorized five lectures and stopped at the beginning of a new semester. Now I felt deeply in my heart that it would be great to remember the whole Fa. So I determined to continue memorizing Zhuan Falun. Studying the Fa together is a form of cultivation Teacher has left for us. Especially in this period of time, Dafa disciples should get together, help each other, and upgrade diligently in cultivation. Some of my fellow practitioners and I agreed to study the Fa together at my place. There were a few disturbances on the first day because my father and stepmother were both home from work. We thus had to transform the environment and endure some difficulty. We studied Teacher's recent articles in low voices. During the reading, I couldn't calm down and was afraid that they might hear us reading. I denied the unrighteous thoughts again and again, but they continued to come to mind over and over.

During global sending forth righteous thoughts, we put down our books and conjoined our hands in Jieyin. Just after we had raised our palms to send forth righteous thoughts, my father opened the door of my room. We all put down our legs immediately, and I went to answer the door. My father looked around the room, pulled me aside, and asked if we were practicing Falun Gong.

When I returned, my mind was unsteady. What was I afraid of? Was I afraid that if he knew he would put pressure on me? Was I afraid of losing this comfortable cultivation environment or afraid of conflict? If I had omissions, I should recognize them. I thought it was my previous experience of being driven away from home. But it all turned out well. My righteous thoughts changed my father, and Teacher's protection changed the world. Our Dafa is the most righteous. What more is there to fear? I felt that with Teacher and the Fa, I had nothing to be afraid of. I discussed with my fellow practitioners about the cause of this interference--the attachment of fear--and they all agreed with my understandings. We then continued studying the Fa.

3. Clarifying the Truth, Persuading People to Withdraw from the CCP

I met someone at the workplace of one of my friends. After meeting him, we became good friends. He admitted that he admired our morality and said he had also read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, but he still refused to quit the CCP. One day I saw him with swollen, red eyes. He said that they hurt terribly. When I asked what was wrong, he replied that he was sick, and pain was torturing his entire body. He even had to get an IV at work. I thought to explain the truth to him once more without delay.

I visited him the following few days in order to find an opportunity to save him, but I always missed the chance. Then it would be time for my class, and I had to leave in a hurry. I thought to myself: "This is not right. The time of a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period is far too precious; I must not always do this in vain. I only truly want what is good for him, and so any kind of interference is not allowed. This life came for the Fa and knowing the truth." I also asked Teacher to help me. With righteous thoughts, I told him the main cause of his illness and began to explain the reasons for quitting the CCP and the current state of the country. He accepted all of my arguments.

As I spoke, my body shook terribly, but my voice remained unaffected. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. This was also a process of eradicating my own unrighteous notions and matters from the evil party's culture. In the end, he agreed to withdraw from the CCP. I asked him to remember: "Falun Dafa is good. Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good." He kept reading these words and asked: "What if I can't remember it?" I said firmly to him: "You're sure to remember it," to which he replied: "Thank you so much" to me. I knew if I were truly kind to him, his knowing side would understand.

4. "Happy New Year, Teacher Li!"

It was almost Chinese New Year, so a practitioner said he really wanted to send a beautiful New Year's greetings card to Teacher. I replied immediately that I would give it a try, but this was easier said than done. I didn't have the experience with the software and had no knowledge of its functions. I studied the software the following few days, designing patterns, and checking others' designs on the Internet in order to make an outstanding New Year's greetings card.

After reading Teacher's article "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting on Writing Music," I realized that we were not outstanding because of our acquired techniques. We shouldn't compare our works with modern, deviated people's so-called "art." We were outstanding because we were Dafa disciples. The design process itself was different. We only need to use our hearts. To express our ideas is the main purpose. Teacher would believe in us. At that moment, I only had one wish--to represent my region in expressing our whole-hearted New Year's greetings to the most merciful Teacher--and I believed I could do this well because we were made by Dafa. All of our specialties were given by Dafa.

After a few days of searching for pictures, making designs, and modifying them, I felt tired and at a loss for time. All too often, I was just beginning to design the card and it would already be midnight. I was so tired that I could not fall asleep, so I tried to do the exercises, pull myself together to study the Fa, send forth righteous, and recite the Fa. It was not until then that I understood the hardships of practitioners outside of China who support us and shoulder the same responsibility of saving all sentient beings. They have to overcome fatigue and hardships of body and spirit every day, and they are responsible for all kinds of Dafa work. But Dafa disciples are admired by the world's people, and I felt they are truly remarkable.

Perhaps it was because of how much effort I put in that I found my card hard to put down. But another human notion came up: "What if it is not published? Wouldn't that be a pity?" I found this notion awful, for it was also an attachment. Dafa disciples anticipate no returns in doing things, and this card especially was simply to express gratitude to Teacher. Therefore, it did not matter if it was published or accepted by other practitioners. What counted was that I had done my best. I should let go of other attachments. After realizing all of this, I felt relieved.

The other day I saw a truth-clarification VCD that was made a long time ago. At the end, there were a few shots of Dafa disciples from around the world gathering together to express gratitude to Teacher. Before, I was touched when I saw this scene, but this time I couldn't help crying as I witnessed the true hearts of Dafa disciples! We feel Teacher's difficulties in saving all sentient beings only when we walk roads of hardship ourselves, and so we cannot express in words the gratitude for Teacher's mercy. The words "Happy New Year, Teacher Li!" contain too deep a meaning, and this was why I wanted so much to make this New Year's greeting card right.

The New Year's greetings card that I put so much effort into was published on the Minghui website's Minghui Collection and was also cited by our local Minghui Weekly.

Last but not least, I want to use this chance to say to our Teacher: "Thank you, Teacher! We will do better."

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