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Solemn Declarations of Non-Practitioners Who Have Awakened to the Truth

September 17, 2006 |  


Solemn Declaration

One day in 2000, there was a large photo of Mr. Li Hongzhi at the exit of the railway station. The staff at the station and the police forced everyone coming out to step on the photo before they exited. They used this method to tell who was a Falun Gong practitioner. Those who refused to step on the photo were considered as a practitioner and taken away. I was not a Falun Gong practitioner. Although I despise their actions, I was afraid that I might be arrested and jailed, as many others were, so I stepped on the photo. Before this, my business was pretty prosperous, but it turned troublesome afterwards. I knew it was because I had stepped on the photo and I was being punished. Here I solemnly apologize to Falun Gong and Mr. Li. I am truly sorry. What I did was wrong. I will from now on be a true Chinese and refuse to be forced to do any evil things by the Chinese Communist Party.

Li Gang, April 10, 2006



Solemn Declaration

My daughter-in-law was a Falun Gong practitioner. Because she could not withstand the persecution, she took some drugs to commit suicide, and died in 1999. People from the county radio station came to my home and forced my five year-old grand daughter and me to say insulting words toward Mr. Li Hongzhi. They said that this way it would be easier for my son to find another wife in the future. Now I realize that Falun Dafa is truly good. Mr. Li is here to save people. I declare that things I said or did before against Mr. Li or Dafa are all nullified. My little granddaughter has quit the party league. From now on, we will clearly distinguish right from wrong, and good from bad. We will not be used by the evil party to persecute Dafa.

Zhang Yanchi, August 18, 2006


Solemn Declaration

Although I myself am not a practitioner, I have witnessed the wonder of Dafa through my wife's ten- years of cultivation. The most impressive thing is the improvement of her health. Before her cultivation, she had liver disease and other minor problems. Her skin was dark and she was skinny. After she began cultivation, everything changed. During the past ten years, she never spent a dime on medicine and she was full of energy. On July 20, 1999, the illegal suppression of Falun Gong began. My wife went to Beijing to appeal so that justice would prevail. My home has never been calm since. People from the police department and the police station came to my home often to ransack it and harass us. Sometimes they came at 9 or 10 p.m. and took my wife away. She went in and out of the police station and detention center several times and was sentenced to one year of forced labor. Several times she was bruised all over when she came home. She suffered a great deal, and the persecution also caused great stresses on my mother, my son, and myself. We also lost a lot of money. Due to the non-stop propaganda of the CCTV and other news media and the propaganda department, I wrongly believed them and blamed all the persecution on Dafa and my wife. I thought if my wife did not practice Falun Gong, she would not be persecuted. I called Dafa, Mr. Li, and my wife names. But after my wife's repeated explanations I gradually learned the truth and knew that I had committed a great crime by libeling Dafa. I realized that all the misfortune of my family was caused by Jiang Zemin and his gang. They were committing the crime of genocide. They are not rational, disregard the law and deceive the world. Now my wife and I are closer than ever. From the bottom of my heart I beg for Mr. Li's forgiveness. Please give me a chance to correct myself. I will cherish Dafa and everything that Teacher gave me and steadfastly believe in Dafa. I declare solemnly that all my past conduct and speech that offended Teacher and Dafa are nullified. I will become a Dafa practitioner at a proper time so that I can go back to my original self. I will take opportunities to tell people that Dafa is great in order to compensate for my past wrongdoings.

Yang Dongjie, July 26, 2006
