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Sharing my Understanding with Fellow Practitioners Still Attached to Consummation and Time

August 05, 2006 |   By a Dafa practitioner in northeastern China

(Clearwisdom.net) After Master's new article, "Opening the Gate of the World" was published on July 1, 2006, every practitioner had his/her own understanding and thoughts about it. Most fellow practitioners were deeply encouraged, and were determined to put more effort into doing the three things well. However, some practitioners may have irrational and passive thoughts. One practitioner said: "Is Master's new article telling us that the Fa-rectification is near the end and we are about to reach consummation? The end will be within two years, or this August or September." Another practitioner said: "It's close to the end and we are going to reach consummation. We should pay more attention to our safety. We should decrease the frequency that we go out to clarify the truth in order to avoid being arrested." Another practitioner said: "I have already lost my confidence. It is close to the end. I feel I am not qualified." Some practitioners were very excited. Many practitioners had the understanding that the Fa-rectification would be over at any moment. Complacent and irrational, they just wait for the end. Today, I want to share my understanding in order to remind fellow practitioners not to form attachments to consummation and time.

From the Fa we know that we should do whatever we should do today, even though we are going to reach consummation tomorrow. Therefore, do you evaluate yourself and ask yourself the following questions: Am I qualified? How many attachments have I not gotten rid of? Can I reach consummation? Do you think about these questions? If the end really arrives, are you able to leave this human world? Even if the gate of the world is opened, it does not mean that Fa-rectification is over immediately. It would have to run its course. There are still so many fellow practitioners who are still not clearheaded.

Master told us:

"Dafa disciples: the things you are faced with are magnificent, your responsibilities are major." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston")

Assisting Master to rectify the Fa and save all beings are the major responsibilities of our Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period. Think about it, if Fa-rectification ends right now, how many beings will be eliminated? How many lives will lose this opportunity? Master is not willing to leave one being behind, so what excuse can we use for not doing well the things of saving all beings?

Let's ask ourselves. Are we doing well things related to clarifying the truth and saving all beings? Do we really consider all beings all the time? Do we try our best to save all beings? We must coordinate well and do well the three things Master requires. We cannot be moved whenever we hear, see or understand some things. Can we be really steadfast? I think it is usually the deep attachment of selfishness that caused problems. It was because we did not study the Fa deeply enough, and understood the Fa from the standpoint of a human being. Also, some practitioners followed a person but not the Fa. They did not take the Fa as the teacher. Following others to do things is something to be avoided in cultivation.

On the path of cultivation, any attachment is a rope that holds back your boat from sailing. Master said, "A cultivator cannot achieve Consummation when laden with human thoughts, laden with karmic debts, or laden with attachments." ("To the Chicago Fa Conference, 2006") Master's poem, "Opening the Gate of the World," shows that Fa-rectification is entering a new phase. We should look within more, cultivate ourselves well, closely follow the course of Fa-rectification and strive forward wholeheartedly in cultivation. We should not be over-optimistic or in low spirits as we wait for the end of Fa-rectification. If so, wouldn't it show our attachments of pursuit, our non-serious heart toward cultivation, our attachment of fear and the pursuit of comfort, and/or our fear and helplessness in the face of the persecution, especially the live organ harvesting? Does it show that we do not have enough respect and belief in Master and Dafa? Cultivation should be achieved by striving forward wholeheartedly; not by waiting while drinking tea leisurely or resting on our laurels.

Fellow practitioners, strive forward wholeheartedly! Only when we get rid of all attachments, can we really reach consummation sooner. We should study the Fa well, try our best to focus our every thought on the Fa and walk well our final path toward godhood while saving all beings.

July 15, 2006