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Our Group Exercise Site: Taoyuan Agriculture and Industry School, Taiwan (Photos)

August 29, 2006 |   By a Taiwanese Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Taoyuan Agriculture and Industry School is on Chenggong Road, Taoyuan City Taiwan. The school has a long history and is close to downtown. Except for the time when school is in session, the campus is open to local residents to do sports, exercise, or just to relax. There are flowers and grass everywhere on the campus, with tall trees casting cool shadows. The residents of the area enjoy the campus like their own backyard. If you enter the campus from the main gate, turn left and walk about two minutes, then you are in front of Qunle Tang. This is where we start doing group exercises every morning at 4:50 a.m. The exercise site was established in 2000. Usually it has over ten practitioners, ranging in age from 30 to 80.

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Morning exercise at Taoyuan Agriculture and Industry School

Group Fa-study after exercises

We have twin sisters at our group exercise site. The elder sister, Ms. Jiang, had surgery in early 2002 and then took a few months of chemotherapy. She was very weak at that time. One morning, she came to the school with her husband and walked by the exercise site. She saw the practitioners doing the third exercise, "Penetrating the Two Extremes," and was drawn by the simple and beautiful movements. So the couple began to practice Falun Dafa. After reading the book Zhuan Falun, their mindset was greatly changed. The sisters had weak eyesight since childhood and reading was a big obstacle for them. After they started practicing Falun Dafa, they began to enjoy reading the Dafa books and Teacher's articles.

Ms. Yu started practicing Falun Dafa at the peak of the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong. Her husband read a magazine on an airplane and the article was neutral and based on facts. He found that Falun Gong is not as described by the Chinese Communist Party. At that time, Ms. Yu had a chronic disease and had taken medicines for over twenty years. The side-effects of the medicine made her legs so swollen that she could hardly walk. Her husband told her the facts about Falun Gong and began to search for an exercise site for her. Finally, they found the Agri-Ind school site near their home.

Aunt Huang and Aunt Chen both are grandmas. They have been neighbors since childhood. Three years ago, they began to practice Dafa together. Aunt Chen's younger brother, who lives in Taitung, practiced Falun Dafa and was able to stop taking all kinds of medicines, so he introduced Falun Gong to them. Aunt Huang and Aunt Chen have very different personalities but they can look inside to solve any conflict. Though they have a lot of housework to do, they do the exercises, study the Fa, clarify the truth and attend Fa-study meetings along with other practitioners.

Three months ago, Ms. Jiang was shopping in the market. A fish vendor with whom she was acquainted took her to see a chicken vendor, Mr. Chen, because he wanted to practice Falun Gong. Ms. Jiang told him about the Agri-Ind school site and emphasized the importance of Fa-study and cultivating xinxing, and reminded him to read Zhuan Falun. Since then, Mr. Chen started practicing Falun Dafa. Last week, Ms. Jiang met Mr. Chen's wife in a market. Mrs. Chen said to her happily, "Thank you so much, Ms. Jiang, for teaching my husband to practice Falun Gong. His temper has changed and doesn't curse at people any more. He said cursing at people will cause one to lose virtue and instead we must live according to Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance at all times." Ms. Jiang told her, "You don't need to thank me. You should thank our Master."

In the book Zhuan Falun, Master said,

"Some practitioners do not follow the Xinxing requirements, as they only practice the exercises without cultivating their Xinxing. They cannot be regarded as practitioners." (Lecture 3, Zhuan Falun)

Master's words are very clear and easy to understand. So the practitioners at our site always encourage each other to study the Fa at home and have group Fa-study every Saturday morning after exercises. Recently, in order to purify our minds before sending forth righteous thoughts, we recite one poem from "Hongyin" together. Older practitioners are not worried about forgetting the words sometimes, because everyone understands that something once remembered and forgotten is very different from never having memorized it. Today, a practitioner said, "We can go over it again at home so we will not forget it." Our whole group strives to become diligent practitioners.