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Two Brief Accounts of Dafa's Amazing Power

August 25, 2006 |  


After Resuming Cultivation for Two Months, an Elderly Lady Can See Again

Ms. Zou Yanju, 78 years old, lives in Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province. Her cerebral thrombosis, emphysema and other diseases completely disappeared after she began practicing Falun Gong. She was so frightened by the Chinese Communist Party's slander and intimidation that she did not dare to continue the practice after the persecution began in 1999. Not long after, all of her previous diseases came back. Even worse, she started to suffer from cerebral embolism, which caused blindness in both eyes. As a result, she became unable to take care of herself and was suffering terribly. Given the situation, her family decided to hire someone to help take care of her.

In the spring of 2006, her new caregiver was a Falun Dafa practitioner. She took very good care of her and urged her to resume her cultivation in Dafa.

She started to do the Falun Gong exercises and listen to Fa lectures from tapes in early May. Two month later she was able to see things again. At the same time, she also recovered from her cough and became able to take care of herself.

Her husband and children were all very happy. The whole family held a feast to celebrate the amazing event. They were amazed by the power of Dafa and asked Dafa practitioners to convey their gratitude to Teacher Li Hongzhi through the Minghui website.

Two New Practitioners Begin Cultivation After Learning About the Facts

When a friend of mine and I had dinner, I talked to her about the Chinese Communist Party's removing Falun Gong practitioners' organs while they were still alive. After listening to my account, she said with tears in her eyes, "How can you go on talking about such a horrific thing?" Upon hearing these words, I could not hold back my tears.

She knows that Dafa is good and has quit the CCP. She has also persuaded her family members to do so after reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Furthermore, she has begun to read Zhuan Falun.

One relative of mine, a government official, is very arrogant. He believes that he knows more than others and has been brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party since his childhood, so he is very stubborn. He showed no respect to Dafa and Teacher and would not listen to the truth. Last summer, I made a special trip across the country to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to him. I introduced him to the "Nine Commentaries" and tried to persuade him to quit the CCP. At first he refused to listen, but after a while, he started to accept what I told him. The next day, I followed up with him again, and he agreed to withdraw from the CCP under a nickname from his childhood.

After much thought and encountering some unexpectedly good fortune, he also asked me to declare for him that all he said against Dafa and Teacher in the past is now void. He even began to read Zhuan Falun and does the five sets of exercises every day. In this way, he has started to cultivate Dafa.