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Where Are You, Afen?

August 13, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Eastern Guangdong

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Wu Peifen, about 40 years old, is a practitioner from Caitang Township, Chaoan County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province. Afen (Ms. Wu’s nickname) is a relative of mine whom I regrettably have not met. My other relatives say that she is a kind and upright practitioner.

In December 1999, my relatives said that Afen had been detained at the local detention center following her arrest in Beijing, where she had gone to appeal for Dafa and clarify the truth. I knew this was not easy for her, especially since she had three young children at the time. But she felt very strongly that she had a duty to stand up for and safeguard Dafa.

I was eager to meet her but never had the opportunity. Not until May 2002, when I began actively participating in Fa-rectification did I learn that Afen had been steadfastly safeguarding the Fa. The local 610 Office brutally persecuted her, but she never compromised. She validated the Fa, clarified the truth, recited Master's teachings, and sent forth righteous thoughts in a dignified manner.

Communication among the few practitioners in our local area was infrequent. Even though Afen and I were relatives and did not live far apart, we still had not met by May 2003, when she was forced into homelessness to avoid further persecution.

There has not been any information about Afen during the last few years, and no one knows her whereabouts. When the news broke about organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners, I became extremely concerned about Afen. Where are you, Afen? I wish you safety and peace and hope that one day we will meet! When that day comes, fear and killing will be non-existent in the world. People will be immersed in the sacred light of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.