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Electric Batons Can Never Shake Cultivators' Faith

August 11, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) There is a scene that has been clearly stored in my mind for the past several years, which will not go with time or be forgotten by history.

In the winter of 2000, I was detained in the Longshan Forced Labor Camp (in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province). Guards forced us to watch videos that slandered Master and Falun Dafa every day. On one occasion, the guards ordered us to recite the prison regulations, and we all refused. Then the guards called upon individual practitioners to read the regulations.

First called was a college graduate practitioner, and she said, "We do not read what is meant for prisoners to read. We only know the Fa that our Master taught us." Angry guards pulled her out to be shocked with electric batons.

The second practitioner they called was also a college graduate, and she also said, "We can only recite the Fa, and we would not read this." She was also dragged out to be shocked.

The third one called was a college graduate practitioner as well. She said the same thing as the first two, and was dragged out as well.

We heard many sounds of the electric baton sparking, "pa-pa-pa..." Our hearts ached as our fellow practitioners were being tortured.

Guards was calling for the fourth one very angrily, but the power went off as soon as the calling was done. The whole camp was dark. The guards were scared, and quickly let us go back to our cells. They stopped shocking those three fellow practitioners.

We all knew it was due to Master's benevolent protection, and we were all in tears.