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Gothenburg, Sweden: Peaceful Protest Outside the Chinese Consulate (Photos)

August 10, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On Friday August 4th, Falun Gong practitioners from many parts of Sweden held a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg. The Consul General, Cui Jianchao, was having a farewell party, so there were many visitors who came to the Consulate, both Chinese and Swedish. Falun Gong practitioners thought that it was a good opportunity to inform the visitors about the cruel persecution that is still going on against Falun Gong practitioners in China. They especially wanted to highlight the Chinese Communist Party's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

The practitioners displayed banners and appealed for an immediate stop to the atrocities taking place in China. Falun Gong practitioners also used a loudspeaker to inform people in Swedish and Chinese about the persecution. In the afternoon and evening there were many tourists and locals who saw the practitioner's banners and accepted informational fliers. There were quite a lot of people who passed by during the day. The Chinese Consulate is located near the center of Gothenburg. On this day there was a European championship athletic event, which attracted many people to downtown Gothenburg.

When Falun Gong practitioners were holding this activity, staff from the Consulate came out to take pictures of the practitioners. Practitioners again offered advice to the Consulate staff, to desist from participating in this persecution. They told them that every person has his own responsibility and when this persecution ends, all who have participated in it will surely be brought to justice.

Person from the Consulate taking pictures of practitioners

During the time that Cui Jianchao was Consul General he has played an active role in participating in this persecution of Falun Gong practitioners abroad. He has for example attempted to pressure the Swedish authorities to stop Falun Gong practitioners' weekly protest outside the Consulate. To Cui Jianchao who will be leaving Gothenburg, we want to say that Falun Gong practitioners will continue to hold peaceful protests outside the Chinese Consulate until this persecution ends. To speak and act when you are being treated unfairly is a human being's most basic right. We hope that the Consul General will come to understand how cruel and wrong this persecution is.

Originally published in Swedish at: http://se.clearharmony.net/articles/200608/18565.html
