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Solemn Statements of Dafa Practitioners

August 10, 2006 |  



I started to practice Falun Gong in 1997. In August 2004 I was arrested when I was distributing truth clarification materials and was then sent to the county detention center. Because of my attachment of fear, I sealed my fingerprint on a Guarantee Statement written by my family members. I was then sentenced to one year of forced labor. In the labor camp, because of my attachment of fear, I did not dare to validate Dafa openly. I lied to the prison guards that I had never read any Dafa books and that I could not do any Dafa exercises. I also wrote the Three Statements to renounce Dafa. In brainwashing classes I wrote some reports like: "Thank you very much to the prison guards. From you I learned how to devote oneself in one’s work. After I am released I will follow the orders of the Chinese Communist Party and closely keep up with the pace of the party." Later, motivated by the attachment of fear, I painted more than ten paintings including postcards of golden roosters, Chinese paintings of wild scenery and Chinese calligraphy as "gifts" for my captors. As a reward for the honors that my paintings brought to them, the labor camp authorities offered me a reduction of 40 days to my term. To make sure that I would be released on time, I did two paintings for the new prison guard, on which I wrote some flattering words to him. To study Fa in the labor camp, I wrote out Teacher’s articles recited by fellow practitioners on paper and covertly passed it among fellow practitioners. After we finished reading them, I threw them into the toilet sewer because I was afraid that they might be found by prison guards. As a Dafa practitioner, these things constitute the most shameful experience in my cultivation because of my attachment of fear. I hereby declare all that I had spoken and done against Dafa to be void. I shall cleanse myself and come back to Dafa. With the last opportunity bestowed by Teacher I will completely remove my selfishness and the ultimate attachment of life and death. I will keep up with the pace of Fa rectification diligently by studying the Fa well and doing well the three things required by Teacher so as not to betray the compassionate salvation of Teacher.

Wang Zheng, 21.6.2006

(Translated on 18/7/2006 from a edited version of http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/6/28/131593.html)


One year has passed after I came home from a brainwashing session. I made up my mind to write this statement after I read Teacher’s new article "Pass the Deadly Test." I started to practice Falun Gong after April 25, 1999. Before I found Dafa, I was a girl with an inferiority complex. Since cultivating, I sensed that Teacher was cleaning up my body and genuinely believed that I had found the truth about life. After the persecution of Falun Gong started, one day in the end of February 2005, I was arrested by four policemen and sent to the provincial brainwashing center right after I had finished my night shift at work. One of the policemen threatened me openly that they would kill me and would destroy my family. In the den of the evil I was deceived by the hypocritical police into writing a Repentance Statement to declare that I would give up Falun Gong. I had vainly hoped that Dafa would bring me a happy life in society and failed to take Dafa and cultivation seriously. I did the three things with the attachment of doing things, showing off and pursuit. When the evil defamed Dafa and Teacher, I did not try to stop them with my righteous thoughts. I hereby declare solemnly all that I had done and spoken against Dafa and Teacher in the brainwashing class to be void. I will completely break free of the binds of the old forces and do well the three things.

Xinmei, 17.6.2006

(Translated on 18/7/2006 from a edited version of http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/6/30/131775.html)