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Let the "True Self" Make the Decision

July 09, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) After reading the article, "Sharing Understanding on the Recent Fa-rectification Situation" (http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2006/5/12/127465.html) in the 227th issue of "Minghui Weekly", I felt the fellow practitioner gave very good suggestions. Now, whenever I send righteous thoughts, I always add the thoughts of "eliminating and disintegrating all evil lives and evil factors which are destroying Dafa and persecuting Dafa practitioners in all concentration camps, forced labor camps, jails, detention centers and hospitals," " turning the tables on those wicked policemen and evildoers who persecute Dafa practitioners and redirecting the sufferings all detained practitioners experience to those evildoers," "completely denying the old forces' arrangements, disintegrating all evil dens where Dafa practitioners are detained," and "unconditionally releasing all illegally detained Dafa practitioners."

When I sent righteous thoughts at 6:00 a.m. on June 14, 2006, I felt "release" was highlighted. I realized that the thought of "unconditionally releasing all illegally detained Dafa practitioners" is not wrong in clarifying the truth to society, but if we hold the thoughts of "raising requests to evil" and "negotiating" in our mind, we just raise the evils' position and have limitations in denying evil and the old forces. Many fellow practitioners safely braved danger in clarifying the truth because of their strong righteous thoughts, and many detained practitioners stepped out with dignity from evil dens after they had strong righteous thoughts. In view of the nature of Fa-rectification cultivation, Dafa practitioners were released without being sentenced because they found their attachments by themselves, let go of their human attachments and their divine sides dominated. Moreover, Teacher said, "Let go of your human thoughts and the evil will naturally die" ("Don't Be Sad", Hong Yin II, provisional translation). As long as Dafa practitioners let go of their human attachments, evil will be disintegrated. Evildoers lose their control over them from other dimensions, and they will not do bad things any more; so the persecution will stop.

I recalled that on an evening in 2003, fellow practitioners and I went to the countryside to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Since the evil took advantage of our human attachments, we were detained in a police station. Several hours later, I realized that we should not be detained and we must break out. After I had such thoughts, I felt myself in the state of being a "divine being" temporarily. Several minutes later, with Teacher's compassionate protection, I crawled over the wall of the police station and left. At that time, I personally experienced the situation in which, "When disciples have ample righteous thoughts, Master has the power to turn back the tide." ("The Master-Disciple Bond", Hong Yin II, provisional translation)

As a contrary example, a local coordinator was implicated and illegally arrested. In the detention center and in the courtroom, he clarified the truth in a dignified and upright way, which made many ordinary people, including the judge, come to have a certain understanding of the truth about Dafa. However, when several fellow practitioners suggested that he should break out with righteous thoughts, he expected the evil to sentence him to be "released as not guilty." Due to this thought, he lost the chance arranged by Teacher to escape from the living hell. Ultimately, he was illegally sentenced to three and a half years of forced labor. He is still being detained in a jail. The lesson is bitter.

Teacher said in "Congratulatory Message,"

"Dafa disciples, you are golden light in the mortal world, the hope of the world's people, Fa-disciples who help Master, and future Fa-kings"

Whom can we expect to release us? We are in cultivation and still have human attachments. However, it cannot become the evil's and old forces' excuse for persecuting us. We should follow Dafa and the requirements of Fa-rectification, and not acknowledge the old forces' arrangement. We should use our supernormal abilities endowed by Teacher to disintegrate all evil lives and evil factors. We should do well the three things Dafa practitioners should do in a dignified, upright, rational, and clearheaded way. Even if we have loopholes, we should not be detained, and there is not even a need for someone to release us. Actually, our Dafa practitioners should walk out from the confinement of our own notions and human attachments and disintegrate the persecution imposed by the evil.

During cultivation, since we are human beings cultivating, our human attachments often come out. Evils also look at us with covetous eyes, try all kinds of means to interfere with our cultivation, and even fabricate false images to mislead us. However, as long as we firmly believe in Teacher and Dafa, remove human notions and think with the viewpoint of the Fa, we can let our "true selves" make the decision.

This is what I understand at the current stage. Please point out any inappropriate understanding.