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Montreal, Canada: Falun Gong Group Is Most Eye-catching in Canada Day Parade (Photos)

July 03, 2006 |   By Xiao Yan and Zheng Ziyan

(Clearwisdom.net) In Montreal's Canada Day Parade on July 1, 2006, the Falun Gong group led by the "Divine Land Marching Band" extended over several blocks. The procession was magnificent and left a deep impression on organizers and spectators. The Falun Gong entry was composed of the Divine Land Marching Band, celestial maiden and lotus float, traditional Chinese dancing groups, banner and flag dances, exercise demonstration and a waist drum group.

Divine Land Marching Band

"Thank you Canada"

Fairy and lotus float

Traditional Chinese dancing team

Vice Chairperson of Royal Society of Canada told the practitioners, "You are the group that impressed me most today." Head of the organization committee said, "Thank you. Hope you will come again next year. We will pay your full cost next year."

"Organizers learn about the grace of Falun Gong and CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China via our application and participation in the parade. We thank the committee's support for Falun Gong," said practitioner Ms. Zhu Ying.

Spectators watch the parade in pleasure

Audience read truth-clarification materials

It was learned that there were more than 70 groups joined the parade. To have "Canada Divine Land Marching Band" from Toronto participate in the parade, the parade organizing committee gave 4,000 Canadian dollars to pay for partial transportation cost for the band though the committee had a budget of only 32,000 dollars.

Mr. Jiang explained that the band was established two and half months ago and had participated in activities in Korean, Russian and Philippine communities. The band also participated in the Canada Falun Dafa festival. "The purpose of establishing the divine band is to serve the community, bring grace to people, let people learn the grace of Falun Gong and understand Falun Gong practitioners," said Mr. Jiang.

Many practitioners contributed time, energy and money to make the participation in the parade success. "I hope to have people know Falun Dafa is good and to call for an end of CCP's persecution of Falun Gong as early as possible," said Ms. Luo.

The Canada Day parade is one of the largest public activities in Montreal. Since 2000, Falun Gong practitioners have participated in the parade every year.