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SooNews.ca (Sault Ste. Marie, Canada)SooNews.ca: Stop Killing!

July 23, 2006 |  

July 19, 2006

There’s always someone complaining about what happens inside Sault Ste. Marie City Hall, but a group of people traveled from Toronto and appeared on the steps of the Civic Centre Wednesday to raise awareness of something truly terrible that is happening to practitioners of Falun Gong in the People’s Republic of China.

Elaine Xie told SooNews the Communist regime in China imprisons, tortures, rapes and eventually murders many Falun Gong practitioners, removes their vital organs, and sell them to people all over the world who are on long waiting lists for organ transplants.

These people pay the price, jump the queue and take a fast boat to China to have the organs transplanted.

One wonders if these people know the grisly circumstances under which they receive their new organs, and if they know, are they just putting it out of their minds.

Falun Gong is a belief that combines spirituality with physical exercise, whose adherents claim brings them inner peace. One may be skeptical about that, but Falun Gong is certainly not violent, not a terrorist group.

So, why the persecution?

Elaine says Falun Gong’s popularity has led the grim, Communist party of the People’s Republic of China, which demands complete obedience to the State and nothing else, to view Falun Gong as competition. Elaine also claims that Falun Gong practitioners are being followed to Canada and other countries and harassed by Chinese spies.

Elaine told SooNews she and her colleagues are pleased that many Canadians are aware of the persecution, and that many locals have signed their petition asking the Canadian government to urge China [CCP] to stop its grisly practice.

The group was planning a meeting Wednesday with Mayor John Rowswell, and planned to forward their petition to Sault MPP David Orazietti and Sault MP Tony Martin.

A secretary for Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay has stated the government is planning to investigate allegations of abuse from a recently-compiled report by Canadian officials.