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Stepping Out of Sentimentality to Save Sentient Beings

July 17, 2006 |  


Stepping out of Sentimentality to Save Sentient Beings

When we clarify the truth to outsiders, we often are able to do it with a pure heart. But when facing family members, especially those who are younger than we are, we often get stuck in sentiment (qing). I would like to share two examples that happened in our area.

1) An elderly practitioner often distributes "truth-clarification" materials accompanied by her granddaughter. One day she put a flyer on a bench in the park. Later she felt that it was not right and picked it up. But after walking a few steps, she changed her mind and put it back again. The next day, her granddaughter told her that she had a dream. A person wearing ragged clothing picked up the truth-clarification material and wanted to read it. He hesitated and put it down and then walked away. After walking a few steps, he came back, picked it up again, and started to read. Suddenly, the person and the piece of truth clarification material began to radiate golden light.

The granddaughter said to her, "Grandma, I want to distribute truth-clarification materials, too." The elderly practitioner replied, "You are still young. You just need to come with me."

The next day, the granddaughter told her grandma about another dream that she had. Master Li came, touched her head, and said, "Go practice with (the grandmother's name)." She said, "My grandma does not teach me." Master said, "She did not do it properly." The elderly practitioner was shocked to hear this. From then on, she let her granddaughter distribute truth-clarification materials with her.

2) There is a married practitioner couple in Duchang County, Jiangxi Province. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, they came out to validate the Fa. Their belief in Falun Dafa was unshakable in the face of fines, detention, and threats. Later, the 610 Office said, "If you do not give up Falun Dafa, we will not allow your son to go to college." The couple gave in. In 2003, their son went to college in Beijing.

After leaving Dafa, they both felt the pain deep down in their hearts but felt that they had no choice. A few years passed. In the first half of 2005, the college called them and told them that their son had committed suicide. The couple were woken up by the painful news. They found fellow practitioners and obtained Master's books and new articles. They started to practice again. The female practitioner cried many times. She said, "We harmed ourselves and also killed our son. We didn't live up to Teacher's benevolence and arduous efforts to save us."

I don't know where the problems of other former fellow practitioners are, those who still aren’t able to step forward to validate the Fa. We should search for the problems with them and encourage them to listen to their conscience and validate the Fa.

Attaining the Fa through a Predestined Relationship but Losing This Opportunity Leads to Sadness

Longjiao lives in Jiujiang. She is 60 years old and is a retired worker from Jiujiang Shipyard. After July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Dafa began, she had many questions. For example, "Why is Jiang so evil, yet he is still alive? The people from the 610 Office are so bad, why do they not receive karmic retribution?" Especially when she saw that her husband, who was a very diligent practitioner, still suffered from high blood pressure, it puzzled her even more.

In April of this year, two practitioners went to visit them. When they mentioned the practice, Longjiao was cutting meat. She put down the knife and said, "It is better not to practice. As an everyday person, we are not under any pressure." A few days later, she suddenly became comatose.