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Italy: Milan Criminal Court Pronounces Judgment on Chinese Newspaper after It Slandered Falun Gong (Photo)

July 16, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 6th, 2006, the Milan Criminal Court pronounced judgment on the Chinese newspaper, "European Chinese Paper", which had slandered Falun Gong. After practitioners won the case, their lawyer Giuseppe Rossodivita talked about how he looked at the case and the impression he has of Falun Gong, after being the legal representative of the Falun Dafa Association and practitioners in Italy for four years.

The plaintiff's lawyer: Giuseppe Rossodivita

He said that yesterday, after the full debate in court, 3rd Criminal Court Judge Dr. Cernuto had established the charge against the director and reporter of the Chinese newspaper "European Chinese Paper". The charge is a significant one. This was a successful response to the persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP in Italy. I think it’s essential to point out that it is a fact that China caused Falun Gong to lose its rightful legal place in society and its public good name from the start of the persecution and then started their cruel suppression. The persecution is still continuing in that country, using such violence and cruel torture.

Luckily, the practitioners in Italy don’t have to endure the horrifying persecution from the Chinese government, although during the investigations and the debates, the court discovered that the Chinese Embassy was directly controlling the local Chinese media and had conducted a campaign of disinformation against Falun Gong in Italy in 2002.

Given the situation, the Falun Dafa Association in Italy had no choice but to take legal action. There are other cases in the process of being heard.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200607/34218.html