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Russia, the Far East: Awakening Human Conscience and Clarifying the Truth to Chinese People with Compassion and Hope in Our Hearts

July 14, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Russia

Recently, Russian Falun Dafa practitioners began working on a unique project: clarifying the truth to Chinese people who were visiting Russia from mainland China. They come to Russia for temporary or permanent work opportunities, such as small businesses. Others are tourists. They go home and then return, time and time again. For Russian Falun Dafa practitioners, this is a rare opportunity to clarify the truth to Chinese people from mainland China. Practitioners can do this work in Russia, especially in the areas of the Far Eastern part of Russia, such as Ussurisk City, Vladivostok City and a town close to the border--Grodekovo. There are hundreds of thousands of people from China who are there on a temporary or permanent basis. These people have been poisoned by the CCP's lies. This situation gives Russian Falun Gong practitioners an opportunity to save as many sentient beings as possible.

The summer tourist season started, and a flood of Chinese tourists entered Russia. One of the spots that became particularly lively with the tourists is a town called Grodekovo. It's the spot where Chinese tourists cross the border into Russia. This little town in the Far East of Russia is visited by Chinese tourists who come by bus or train. Around 300 people a day pass through on the average, but there are days when around 1000 visitors come through.

A tourist from China takes truth clarifying materials from the hands of practitioners

Practitioners meet Chinese tourists right near the exit of the transportation station. Truth clarification to the Chinese people starts with their first step upon Russian soil. Practitioners hand out materials and talk about Falun Dafa and the cruel persecution of Falun Gong in China. They also hand out Epoch Times newspapers in Chinese as well as "The Nine Commentaries about the Communist Party". Not everyone accepts the materials, but some have the courage to do so. These are people with a predestined relationship who are provided with a chance by the practitioners to learn the truth and to awaken to it.

The tourists are amazed by the fact that a poster with the words "Quit the CCP" is hanging out in the open for everyone to see. They point to it with great surprise and stare at the sign, which apparently shocks them like a sudden clap of thunder. It's as if a whole article was written on that poster, instead of just 5 characters. They stare at it for such a long time. What is happening to their consciousness at that very moment? Maybe they are remembering and analyzing everything that has to do with the history of the CCP in their country and everything that has to do with the consequences of the party's actions within their own lives.

A poster asking people to quit the CCP

It's important to note that on the second day of handing out materials, the representatives of the newspaper were asked to come to the local police station for a chat. The Chinese government was asking for this action. Because of the fact that we are not breaking any laws and the newspaper is registered in Russia, after only a brief talk we were able to return to handing out materials. The complaint from the Chinese special services was considered to be meddling in the internal affairs of Russia, and an attempt to restrict the rights of Russian citizens.

The next day a few Chinese people who often traveled to China said that Chinese customs officials started to check everyone's bags very thoroughly for truth clarifying materials and that the special forces already knew about me. They said that I could be abducted and wondered whether or not I was scared. The CCP always uses the methods of fear, blackmail and pressure to accomplish its goals. That is why many people fear the consequences and don't even dare to read the truth clarifying newspaper, because according to them, one must not criticize the party.

One of the Chinese tour guides came up to the poster, grabbed it harshly and tore it off the pole. I came in time to stop him from ripping the poster in half. He was screaming that these words shouldn't be written and that this poster can't hang here in Russia. We reminded him that he isn't in China anymore and that he can't act this way in Russia. We also told him that our actions are lawful and attempted to clarify the truth to him.

I was amazed by a little girl who was yelling out Communist slogans almost as well as a veteran-Communist. The young Chinese people have been thoroughly brainwashed by the CCP, sad but true. When you talk to them about the 80 million lives that were destroyed throughout the course of different persecutions and about what goes on in concentration camps of their own homeland, they don't want to know about it and refuse to believe in anything. "I only believe in what the CCP says", --that is the convenient and modern psychological standpoint of the young Chinese. When I hear these words, I always think about how much more we have to do in order to clean out their consciousnesses and to help them awaken to the truth.

Some people say that I offer them materials because I don't like China. "How can a person who is Chinese according to her ethnicity, talk about the negative side of the Chinese reality--that is unpatriotic," some people say. Close to 15 years after the fall of the Communist regime, Russian people think that this viewpoint is absurd. We have already learned to openly speak our minds to anyone who breaks the law and is committing a crime. Isn't it better for a country and its people to correct mistakes through the process of learning the truth? This kind of position is considered to be correct and acceptable in any country, except those run by Communist regimes.

This is not just a process of the Chinese people returning to their original kind state of the soul, the heart and the consciousness. The government's tyranny and the strong desire to become self-sufficient through gaining wealth have made many Chinese people slaves to money, and their hearts indifferent. Today in the town of Grodekovo, each Chinese person is given a choice--to learn the truth about CCP's crimes and to determine their position in regard to this issue. Everyone decides for him or herself, we reach out our hands holding truth-clarifying materials, with compassion, hoping that each person will be saved. Each person chooses his or her own future.