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Mid-US Falun Gong Practitioners Display Eastern Charms in Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade (Photos)

June 03, 2006 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Indiana

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 27, 2006, in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana, the weather was especially clear and pleasant, and a festival atmosphere permeated everywhere. The renowned 49th "Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade" was solemnly held in downtown, attracting 300,000 spectators along its route. Several TV stations came to the spot for live broadcasts or rebroadcasts. The organizers especially selected 80 entries from across the US to participate in this parade.

300,000 spectators see Falun Gong practitioners' beautiful charms

The Mid-US Falun Dafa Association that participated in the 2005 "Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade" was once again invited to participate in the parade as a group representing characteristics of the Orient. The color photo of the Mid-US Falun Dafa Association's entry in 2005 was printed on the application forms for participating in the 2006 parade and on the huge parade advertisement. Several days prior to the parade, local TV station WISH TV8 interviewed Falun Gong practitioners, introduced Falun Dafa and played a video of the Mid-US Falun Dafa practitioners in the parade last year.

The Mid-US Falun Dafa Association brought to the parade this year, "Falun Gong exercise demonstration," the "Waist drum and Tang drum troupe" performance and the "Celestial maidens' lantern dance." At the front of the Falun Gong entry were two huge banners reading "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in both Chinese and English. Practitioners dressed up in bright colorful Chinese ancient costumes, shining in the sunshine. Golden yellow exercise costumes, sky-blue ancient warriors' costumes and colorful celestial maidens' costumes brought the beautiful wonder of the Orient to the audience.

Falun Gong exercises demonstration displayed to the audience the path to return to one's original true self. The song and music entitled "Falun Dafa is Good" awakened people. High vertical banners with words, "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" were erected high in the "Waist drum and Tang drum troupe." Flying drumsticks struck drumbeats making people feel energetic and vigorous. At the back of the group, twelve practitioners carrying colorful lanterns danced gracefully to the music, displaying peacefulness and joy to the audience.

About 300,000 spectators witnessed the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa. The DJ announced to the audience that "Falun Dafa brings us Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and "Thank you for coming to Indiana." Along the two-mile parade route, from beginning to end, wherever practitioners' entry went, there would be rounds of applauses and cheers. The audience waved to practitioners to greet them. A family of four (parents and two children) stood up together to Heshi to practitioners. Many spectators imitated the Falun Gong exercises. Many people smiled while applauding and greeting practitioners.

After the parade, many spectators stopped practitioners to have their photos taken with them. They praised practitioners. Practitioners also took the opportunities to introduce Falun Dafa to people. The parade staff especially said to the practitioners, 'You are remarkable!" "Thank You."