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Taiwan: Tainan City Council Passes a Resolution Condemning the CCP’s Brutality (Photos)

June 24, 2006 |   By Sun Kuo-ying

Photograph by LinTzu-hua

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 20, 2006, the Tainan City Council passed a resolution condemning "the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and illegal trade of human organs". The resolution urges each government and medical organization to set up related ethical rules and called on concerned organizations to inform those who would go to the Mainland to receive organ transplants that they may violating the law by receiving organs from people who were murdered.

Tainan City Council passes a resolution condemning "the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and illegal trade of human organs"

Vice Speaker Kuo Hsin-liang declares that the Tainan City Council will write to all county and city councils in Taiwan to ask them to speak out to demand the CCP’s permission for a team to conduct investigations in China’s labor camps

The Tainan City Council held the first scheduled conference of the 16th council on June 20 and passed the resolution. It was proposed by council members Li Wen-cheng, Chiang Ts’ang-yuan, Chen Ting-fei, and Wang Ting-yu and co-sponsored by 29 city council members.

Council member Chen Ting-fei said that such righteous action can start from Fuch’eng

Council member Chen Ting-fei said that the human rights issue is non-partisan and everyone should pay attention to it.

She said that the resolution also requested the CCP regime to allow the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) composed of Falun Gong practitioners, United Nations and other international organizations to enter China’s labor camps to conduct an investigation. Such a request has never been done by a local council, but it can start from Fuch’eng to call for attention to human rights.

Chiang Ts’ang-yuan said that the council should send documents to the CCP’s State Department and United Nations to condemn the CCP’s violation of human rights.

To stop the CCP from killing people and harvesting their organs, the Tainan City Council decided to take the following three actions:

Calling on the CCP to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and harvesting organs without consent.

Urging the international community to condemn the CCP’s atrocities and request the United Nations, the International Red Cross, Amnesty International, international human rights organizations, the World Health Organization, each government and the CIPFG to send a team to conduct investigations in China’s labor camps, concentration camps, and medical facilities, and help those people being persecuted or in grave danger to receive proper treatment and care.

Urging each country's government and medical organizations to enact ethical rules and inform the public as soon as possible that China’s organ transplantation involves the illegal, forced harvesting of organs from unwilling living donors.