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Legislative Gazette: Art exhibit depicts torture of Falun Gong followers

June 11, 2006 |  

Fri, Jun 9, 2006

(New York) Assemblyman: U.S. ignoring persecution in China

An exhibit of artwork by practitioners of the Chinese self-cultivation practice Falun Gong opened last Monday in the Legislative Office Building at a ceremony attended by practitioners and several state Assembly members.

Followers of Falun Gong, which consists of exercises and meditations designed to develop one's "heart-mind nature," have been persecuted in China since the practice was introduced to the public in 1992, [Editor's note: Falun Gong was introduced to public in 1992, the persecution officially started in July 1999.] said Gail Rachlin, a spokeswoman for Falun Gong.

Persecution of practitioners includes incarceration, torture and even mass murder and organ harvesting, according to Falun Gong literature.

Rachlin said spirituality is seen as a threat by the Communist government, whose only belief is in the state.

The artwork on display depicts people engaged in their meditations as well as scenes of practitioners being tortured at the hands of the Chinese government. All of the artists have either experienced such torture themselves or seen it happen to family members or friends, Rachlin said.

Assemblyman Michael Benjamin, D-Bronx, defended Falun Gong, saying, "Truth, compassion and tolerance - those are the keys to Falun Gong."

Benjamin said just as Western countries ignored the Holocaust until it was much too late, the United States is ignoring the torture of those who practice Falun Gong.

"We will be silent, and our silence will be a cooperation." he said. "We, today, in 2006, cannot turn a blind eye."

Benjamin also spoke about human rights issues in China in general, saying American companies like Yahoo and Google are profiting from a system that persecutes its people.

"I believe we cannot put profit before human rights," he said.

Benjamin introduced a resolution into the Assembly two weeks ago condemning the torture of Falun Gong practitioners. He also urged his colleagues not to visit China until this issue is addressed.

Falun Gong has followers throughout the world; reported benefits include relaxation, spiritual awareness and improved physical health.