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My Experiences Working with the "Quitting the CCP Service Center"

June 01, 2006 |   By a Taiwan Falun Dafa practitioner


Last August my sister-in-law explained to me the importance of clarifying the truth at the "Quitting the CCP Service Center" and asked me to join the group. I was not good at clarifying truth on the Internet at the time and did not have much experience. In the beginning I did not know how many people I should talk to at one time. When many people came online together, I could barely handle it. I typed and used "copy and paste" to chat with them, but I was not fast enough. I was very nervous. I did not have time to drink water or use the restroom. When the telephone rang, I did not want to step away from the computer to answer it. One time, I sat for five solid hours in front of the computer and chatted with nearly 40 people, 17 of whom quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I was exhausted afterward. Before I had thought that I was a slow learner, afraid of new things and reluctant to learn new tools. After joining the "Quitting the CCP Service Center," I realized that I must learn things quickly to meet Fa rectification's requirement to save more sentient beings.

Some people already knew the truth from fellow practitioners, and they chatted with me. It was easy for them to quit the CCP. One time, an online friend asked me, "Are you a person or a computer program?" I sent him a happy face. He said his mailbox was full of our material. I congratulated him and told him that he was lucky, because many people had not gotten even a single copy. This friend easily quit the CCP. Another online friend wanted to show me the glory of the communist doctrine. I replied, "I will show you what it is." I started with the persecution of Falun Gong. He became irritated and asked me to stop. I then sent him the June 4 massacre pictures, which shattered his loyalty to the CCP. He said that he could no longer feel at ease in his heart. The horrific scenes of the June 4 massacre have lingered in his memory over the years. He is a CCP member who had participated in the massacre. He said eagerly, "I will quit the CCP. Please help me quit the CCP." He also said sincerely, "Thank you for saving me." He hopes that the CCP will collapse soon and looks forward to freedom. I know another sentient being is saved.

Every online friend reacts differently to my truth clarification. Some have started with profanity. One online friend swore at me for two weeks, but later he said that I was very patient and asked whether I was pretty. I said I was not pretty, but I was very kind. My sincerity touched him, and he quit the CCP, too. When I do truth clarification I am nice to everyone no matter how the other person treats me. I just want them to know the truth. Some online friends ignore me no matter how I greet them or send them truth clarification material and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. However, many of these people respond affirmatively right away when I show them the withdrawal statement I wrote and ask them, "May I help you quit the CCP?"

On the most recent New Year, I joined a project to learn GIF animation. Because I do not understand English, I could not understand what fellow practitioners were talking about, but I just wanted to give it a try. At the time, I was a little confused. I wanted to learn GIF animation, but at the same time I did not want to give up the truth clarification work over Instant Messenger. I put in some effort and realized how much work fellow practitioners have put into the animation project.

One day after sending forth righteous thoughts, I was tired and wanted to go to sleep earlier than usual. I had not done any truth clarification over the Internet that day. When I thought about the people waiting to quit the CCP, my attachment to comfort disappeared, and I went online. An online friend, whom I had helped before, told me that he had been looking for me for a month. He wanted me to help 20twenty of his relatives to quit the CCP. I thought he was joking, because I had not handled so many people at once before. He said he was serious.

In the meantime, I was chatting with several other online friends, so I told this friend that I was busy. I did not believe him. This friend asked when I would be finished. I said I was not sure. He said he would wait until I was free. Three hours later, I saw that he was still online waiting for me. I was deeply touched.

He told me to take care of myself and to relax every now and then. I gave each one of his relatives an alias to quit the CCP on The Epoch Times. I then sent him the following message:

"Open your window, and you will see the sky full of stars. The brightest one is my wish from far away. I wish you, my friend, a happy day every day and luck with everything."

He was very happy.

We must not delay in truth clarification. If I did not relinquish the attachment to comfort that day, I would have missed the opportunity to save 32 online friends.