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Qingdao City Practitioner Ms. Ou Yunjie is Near Death From Persecution

May 27, 2006 |   By an insider from Qingdao City


Qingdao City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ou Yunjie is imprisoned in Dashan Detention Center of Qingdao City. Her life is in danger due to persecution.

Ms. Ou Yunjie has been "illegally imprisoned" in Dashan Detention Center of Qingdao City since the police arrested her in September 2005. On January 25, 2006, officials from the South District Court in Qingdao City opened a secret court session at the small court inside Dashan Detention Center, where they attempted to do harm to Ms. Ou and her mother, Liu Zhirong. Ms. Ou's father, Ou Zhaolin, entered a plea of "innocent' for his family members. Afterwards the South District Court of Qingdao City clearly violated legal procedure, which states that the court has only one and half months to pronounce judgment on a lawsuit. They neither came to a decision in the case nor did they release the people involved. It has now been nearly eight months since they imprisoned Ou Yunjie beyond her original term in the detention center.

Recently it has been learned that Ms. Ou has been physically brutalized and is coughing up blood continuously. She cannot get out of bed and her life is in danger. The detention center is actively covering up the facts.