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Canadians Condemn the CCP's Crimes against Falun Gong Practitioners (5)

May 22, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the revelation of the CCP's atrocities at Sujiatun, the Canadian Falun Dafa Website (www.falundafa.ca website) has received many messages from Canadians condemning the CCP's atrocities. The following is a selection of some of their messages.


Ms. Jamie E, Surrey, British Columbia

I first heard about these concentration camps after having received a pamphlet as I picked up my nephew from school. I thought it was another advertisement about something until I actually looked at it and read it. It was the most horrifying, disgusting, and heartbreaking thing I've ever read. I could not have imagined the fear of those who have relatives and families in China. And to think that our own fellow Canadian, Michelle Zhang, has to go through life wondering what ever happened to her sister. I wouldn't be able to bear it. Canada has always been known to be a peace-keeping, multicultural country. A place of refuge for those in need of help, in need of sanctuary. It is our duty to become aware of this situation, in which innocent people are being persecuted for nothing but in practicing and centering their lives around principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. After becoming acquainted with the entire circumstance, it is then our duty as friends, as neighbors of these people who share this great world with us, to act, to bring about justice, to bring about what is right and to bring hope to these people. What kind of world will the children of China grow up to see? If nothing good, nothing just, then they too will follow a path leading to death and destruction of everything good. Apr 23, 2006 20:26:52


Mrs. Jane Jones, Aurora, Ontario

If these facts prove to be true this is outrageous and must be stopped immediately. Apr 24, 2006 11:0:24


Mrs. Maja Manthey, Montreal, Quebec

It is an absolute must that international governments stand up for human rights in all parts of the world. We are criminals by associating and even making ourselves entirely dependent economically on a country such as China for the sake of money and cheap trade. Apr 24, 2006 14:42:54


Mr. Jeffrey Morden, Fergus, Ontario

To think that this is happening in this day and age is unbelievable. But to think that we know about it and nothing has been done is utterly disgusting. Apr 24, 2006 16:20:34


Ms. Allison Arenburg, Orangeville, Ontario

This is a disgusting practice and it needs to be stopped. Innocent people are losing their lives as we speak. What is this world coming to? Why would people want to do something like this. This is a crime against humanity. It would be great to see all of this put to a stop. I just hope that the government will finally do something to help. Apr 24, 2006 17:2:11


Mrs. Lourdes Herrera, Toronto, Ontario

I had felt sick to my stomach after I have seen the pictures of death followers of the Falun Gong. I am a Cuban woman, and I really know how the "communist" governments work. I cannot understand why the president of United States of America could received recently the Chinese president in the White House when he must know about the way the Chinese government treats those who they think could become a threat for them. I am proud to know that U. S. Congresswoman Ileana Ross, who was born in Cuba, has addressed this matter according to what the pamphlet China's Secret Concentration Camps says. Apr 24, 2006 17:58:18


Ms. Pauline Eugene, Cranbrook, British Columbia

I am an Administrative Assistant, and received an info package on this subject. When I read it, it made me sick to my stomach. I thought this type of treatment was over when the Nazis were stopped. Back then the world came to their aid, and now these people need our help. We cannot just sit back and watch this happen to another country, this MUST be stopped. To think a leader could do this to his/her people is just maddening. I hope this helps, and I feel for those overseas that are suffering for their beliefs. Most of my older relatives were in Residential Schools, and are now starting to recover. These schools were not as harsh as this, but it is an individual choice in beliefs. No one should be forced to believe in something. Canadians are known as "peace makers" around the world (in a good way) so let's keep this up and help these people in desperate need!! Apr 26, 2006 14:23:51


Ms. Sarah Temporale, Port Credit, Ontario

This is outrageous. I urge the Canadian government to step in and take action. Apr 29, 2006 10:28:54


Mr. Kevin Smith, Toronto, Ontario

I am horrified by these atrocities and they must cease. May 3, 2006 0:38:39


Mr. Kevin Smith, Toronto, Ontario

I am horrified by these atrocities and they must cease. May 3, 2006 0:39:32


Ms. Julia Cline, Edmonton, Alberta

In this day and age, these kind of things shouldn't be happening!!! May 3, 2006 20:51:21


Ms. Chantelle Leidl, Guelph, Ontario

There are enough examples of severe human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing that has passed under the nose of the international community with little or no political response. Don't let this be another. Canada must take a lead in ensuring human rights in China, regardless of the potential economic repercussions. May 6, 2006 16:13:3


Ms. Valerie Engstrom, Edmonton, Alberta

This needs to be stopped. May 6, 2006 16:59:28


Ms. Laura Mroz, Newcastle, Ontario

We as a country, and those with the proper power and authority, have the responsibility to protect the rights of fellow human beings and make a significant change to the inhumanity, brutality, torture, and corruption that exists in other parts of the world. Even though Canadians may not be directly affected by foreign occurrences, it is the obligation of a country that has the adequate means to make a difference, to pursue that act of making a difference. We, the present people, create what is to be the life of future children. May 7, 2006 14:20:20


Ms. Sarah Grant, Ottawa, Ontario

I attended a rally on Parliament Hill earlier this year and spoke to many people who had family in China, either missing or being persecuted. It's heartbreaking to hear their stories. I implore you to do everything you can to stop this persecution. May 8, 2006 16:22:42


Ms. Anita Katakkar, Toronto, Ontario

To Whom It May Concern:

I really urge you to speak out against and actively try to prevent the abusive treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China. It's all ready too late for the 2800 persons that have been confirmed dead as a result of the torture (as of March of 2006) and the orphans that they have left behind, but I plea, let us try and prevent future victims.

Yours truly,

Anita Katakkar

May 9, 2006 15:32:39


Ms. Hannah Kinch, Calgary, Alberta

I cannot believe this is going on! It was brought to my attention today and I hope that something can soon be done about it. This is an outrage. May 9, 2006 20:37:34


Mr. Sam Feuer, Mississauga, Ontario

Canada has taken strong moral leadership positions on many fronts, domestically and internationally. We need to state our position on this topic with the greatest of urgency. May 10, 2006 12:28:24


Ms. Brianna Lockwood, Bragg Creek, Alberta

I was appalled to hear of such a horrendous practice occurring in the twenty-first century. One would assume that our society had learned from the inhumane and diabolical happenings of the Holocaust and Rwanda. That such unspeakable things are still allowed to occur by people such as yourselves who are in a position to stop it is a crime against humanity and an affront to the very thing that makes us human. Torture is a crime against humanity: allowing torture to occur under your observation, under your knowledge, makes you little better.

Is this the world that you want your children to live in? May 12, 2006 0:51:50