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Boston, USA: Practitioners Clarify the Truth during the Harvard Square May Festival (Photos)

May 14, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Boston

(Clearwisdom.net) It seems that spring has come earlier this year in Boston. It was sunny on May 7, and the Harvard Square May Festival began on this beautiful spring day.

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Practitioners clarify the truth

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises

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Photographers take pictures of practitioner doing the exercises

A practitioner teaches people to make a paper lotus flower

In the early morning, practitioners came to the square to arrange the booth. All the truth-clarification literature and the materials to make the paper lotus flower were neatly placed on the table. At noon, more practitioners came. Among them were elderly men and parents with young children. Some of them drove there, and some of them took the subway. They all had the same wish--spreading the beauty of Dafa to everybody and exposing the truth about the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong to everybody.

Practitioners continuously demonstrated the five sets of exercises while one practitioner gave an introduction to the exercises, to give people a better understanding of the practice. People stopped to enjoy it and some of them learned the exercises.

Practitioners also passed out materials in the crowd and patiently answered questions. Many people took the materials and many people signed their names on the "End the Organ Harvest from Live Falun Gong Practitioners" petition form. An elderly tourist from Beijing not only happily accepted the materials, including the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, but also told practitioners that he would like to read Zhuan Falun one day.

Many people enjoyed the paper lotus flowers made by practitioners, and many people learned how to make them. While teaching people how to make the flowers, practitioners also told them about what the lotus symbolizes--maintaining purity in a muddy environment. Practitioners asked them to remember that there is a group of people--Falun Gong practitioners, who are like the lotus flowers.

More and more practitioners dressed in yellow T-shirts came to the booth to clarify the truth. They are like so many golden lotus flowers, shining their peaceful light.