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Germany: "A person should have freedom of belief; this is the dignity of humanity"

May 14, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) For several weekends running, rallies expressing support for withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and protesting against the CCP selling organs removed from Falun Gong practitioners were held in Munich, the largest city in southern Germany.

Since the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, many people have seen through the CCP and have made their feelings known by withdrawing from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. In recent months, the crime of removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in concentration camps was exposed. It was nearly three weeks after the news was released before the CCP denied that it had removed organs from Falun Gong practitioners for profit, giving the regime time to destroy evidence. The incident of the concentration camps is only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, all kinds of methods are being used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners who are being locked up in forced labor camps, concentration camps, prisons and mental units in China, including such crimes as removing their organs.

Therefore, Falun Gong practitioners, volunteers from The Epoch Times newspaper and the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong held activities together to express support for quitting the CCP and to protest against the CCP killing and removing organs from Falun Gong practitioners, as well as the CCP's trying to cover up the facts and kill Falun Gong practitioners who know the inside stories. The activities called on international communities, all governments and kind people to pay great attention to what is happening in China, to completely investigate forced labor camps and prisons in China and to publicize the entire persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP and stop it from continuing.

On seeing banners and talking with practitioners, many people signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution. Many expressed that this inhuman action must be stopped and should be made known to the whole world. On hearing the news, some people shed tears and they simply could not believe such a persecution still exists in the world today. Many people signed the petition at once.

Julia, a student whose major was Education of Society, expressed: "I simply can't believe that such things still exists among human beings. The reason why I have signed the petition is that I should try to stop the action at least." Another woman told the reporter that her reason for signing the petition was because the incident was clearly wrong and she hoped her signature could help.

Many Chinese tourists carefully looked at the exhibition boards and banners. Some of them accepted leaflets. A Chinese man said: "Falun Gong is the first group to resist the CCP for many years and you are really terrific. It is really difficult for Falun Gong practitioners and you are working hard." Of course, there was one or two who were deeply poisoned by the CCP. One Chinese person shouted abuse at Falun Gong practitioners in German and then in Chinese before being stopped by the public.

A passerby, Mr. Winterstein, whose father was locked up in Dachau Concentration Camp by the Nazis, said that in total fifty-nine members of his family were locked up but his father was the only survivor. He suffered a great deal both physically and mentally in Dachau Concentration Camp and died when he was thirty-nine. Mr. Winterstein also said: "As I often heard my father telling his personal experience in the concentration camp and because he died when I was young, I feel impelled to sign the petition and stop the CCP's killing. My purpose is to oppose the violence and to keep history from repeating." His wife said: "Human beings are not animals. A person should have freedom of belief; this is the dignity of humanity."

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200605/32986.html