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Orillia Today (Canada): Falun Gong protest death camps

April 05, 2006 |  

Frank Matys

Fri, Mar 31st, 2006

Prisoners confined to a secret "death camp" in China's Liaoning province are having their organs harvested and sold for profit, visitors to Orillia city hall heard this week.

Residents approaching the Andrew Street building Wednesday afternoon were greeted by a small group of demonstrators who alleged that the illegal practice is taking place while prisoners are still alive.

The victims are said to have been followers of Falun Gong, described as a practice of meditation and exercises rooted in traditional Chinese culture. "If you do nothing, it is like you are helping (those harvesting the organs) commit the crimes," said Wendy Guo, director of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners.

Thousands have been imprisoned, tortured and murdered since the practice was outlawed by the government in 1999, Guo told the few residents who milled about in front of the banner.

Some, like long-time Orillian Anthony Desjardins, wore shocked expressions as they read literature distributed by Guo and two other Falun Gong followers.

"What have we come to where we are chopping people up and selling their parts?" an incredulous Desjardins told a reporter. "What kind of world is this?"

Hearts, kidneys and corneas are said to be among the organs harvested from prisoners.

Their bodies are later incinerated at an on-site crematorium, Guo said.

She is urging Canada to publicly condemn what she says is the systematic murder of Chinese citizens at the hands of their government.

"It is the responsibility of everybody on Earth," she added.

Wednesday's demonstration was part of an "SOS Car Tour" that included stops in Barrie and Midland, with organizers asking municipal officials for support. Guo said the allegations were initially made by a former agent of the Chinese Community Party.

Loud and clear: Demonstrators, armed with a megaphone and a banner, appeared outside city hall in Orillia on Wednesday, protesting what they say is the illegal harvesting of prisoners' organs by the Chinese government. - Frank Matys photo
