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Danish Newspaper Christianity Daily: Stop Atrocities in China's Secret Concentration Camps

April 19, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Christianity Daily, a major newspaper in Denmark, published an article by Pastor Leif Bork Hansen on the 4th of April, 2006, entitled, "It is everyone's responsibility to always fight a savage act."

The article says that no matter where the secret savage acts were found, in China, Iraq or Cuba, as long as the savage acts takes place on the this earth where we live, we have a responsibility to expose it.

We have to regretfully admit that we knew in the past that in China organs for transplant came from the ongoing death roll in China, yet we did not know that the organs were removed from living bodies.

The most recent report revealed that those organs were all removed when people were still alive. The main source has been Falun Gong practitioners locked up in secret concentration camps. Human organs such as kidneys and livers, and corneas were all for sale. The corpses would be cremated at once. This can only happen in a country without religious belief.

There, the state regime thought it had the absolute right to not merely control the living people but also the dead.

Will this re-occurrence of history surpass our imagination?

Primo Levi, an Italian writer and chemist, was once sent to Auschwitz Concentration Camp as a Jew.

He wrote in "I sommersi ei salvati," published in 1986: "The news about the fact that the Nazi extermination camps spread early in 1942. That was a turning point."

"A lot of survivors remembered how Nazi officers warned the prisoners of war in a sarcastic way: no matter how this war ends, we have already won the war against you. None of you will live to see the evidence. Even if someone escapes, nobody will believe him. Perhaps someone will raise doubt and engage in discussion; historians will study it; but no one will know the truth definitely, because the evidence will be destroyed together with you. Should you leave some clues, and some survivors, people will say the things you describe are too horrible. Thus nobody will believe you. People will say this is an exaggerated lie and propaganda, the history about the concentration camps will depend on us."

Today, the providers of the news about the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) secret concentration camps took great personal risks. They might be regarded [by the CCP] as endangering national security.


We saw how Gorbachev prevented bloodshed in the transformation of the Soviet Union. We have seen the efforts of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu in South Africa. They too prevented bloodshed in the transition from apartheid to democracy.

We hope that the same thing can happen in China.

In his book "No Future without Forgiveness," Archbishop Desmond Tutu quoted Spanish philosopher George Santayana's words: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

The agony of anyone suffered needs attention. In China, it is the same. It is forever everyone's responsibility to fight savage acts.
