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Doing Things from a Righteous Standpoint

April 19, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) One morning I saw three copies of truth-clarifying materials reading, "Falun Dafa Saves the World's People," in the hallway of my building from the first floor to the third floor. Red characters had been written on the white stickers in official script. The materials were placed in very clean areas and they were placed upright. I was very moved that fellow practitioners were doing what they should do. It showed that they are being responsible to Falun Dafa. At that time, I sent a thought, "Fa-safeguarding Gods, please watch over the truth-clarifying materials to prevent them from being destroyed by anyone and to let more people with a predestined relationship see them and thus get saved."

Residents living in our building are all cadres and intellectuals who are very sensitive to politics. Truth-clarifying materials used to be torn up before daybreak. However, these three copies have been in the building for half a month, and every day many people can see them. Among these people, some have already learned the truth, some pay no attention, and some even hate Falun Dafa. In such an environment, the fact that Falun Dafa materials can be kept up for so long is related to the attitude of the fellow practitioner who did it. If a practitioner distributes truth-clarification materials with a great sense of responsibility instead of just going through the motions of cultivation, then it truly helps Master in Fa-rectification. It will have a good effect if you validate the Fa with righteous thoughts and a pure mind.

Sometimes when I go out, I see "Falun Dafa is Good" written in many places. Some phrases were written on top of fresh paint, some were casually written on dirty walls, and some were difficult to read. I feel that these acts lacked purity and righteous thoughts (although they may be due to limited conditions). If we do something too casually, then what will ordinary people think about it? How do we demonstrate the goodness of Falun Dafa and Dafa disciples? I wish for each disciple to do what we need to do with purity of mind.