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Be Aware: The Basis of Our Actions Must be Correct from the Fa

March 07, 2006 |   By practitioners in China

(Clearwisdom.net) We had group study and group discussion yesterday. Practitioner A, who had just returned from the provincial capital, brought up a newspaper article. It was titled "The Crazier the CCP Is, the Sooner It Will End." Practitioner A said in the provincial capital, many practitioners distributed this article as truth-clarification material. Apparently, practitioner A was influenced by the article, and she was especially excited to read about the end of the CCP.

Practitioner B realized the importance of this issue, and said, "In 'Cultivation Practice is Not Politics', Teacher told us

"In my lectures I have repeatedly stressed that the form of human society--no matter what type of social or political system--is predestined and determined by heaven. A cultivator does not need to mind the affairs of the human world, let alone get involved in political struggles."

"My disciples, you must remember that we're doing true cultivation practice! We should abandon those ordinary human concerns for reputation, profit, and emotion. Do the conditions of a social system have anything to do with your cultivation practice? You can only reach Consummation after you have abandoned all of your attachments and none of them remain. Other than doing a good job with his work, a cultivator will not be interested in politics or political power of any sort; failing this, he absolutely isn't my disciple."

Teacher's Fa is profound. In my understanding, other than doing the three things, helping people to quit the CCP, and saving sentient beings, we should not be interested in politics nor political power. Dafa disciples should only focus on saving people. Whether or not CCP will end has nothing to do with us.

A younger practitioner whom I shall call C did not quite agree with this, and said, "I think the CCP's ending is related to us. If the CCP ends, who will still persecute us?"

Practitioner B said, "We should have a righteous mentality. Teacher does not acknowledge this persecution, nor should we. No matter whether the CCP ends or not, we should not pay much attention to it. We should only focus on saving people. When the CCP exists, we still do not acknowledge this persecution, but do things that Dafa disciples are supposed to do. When CCP ends, it is also a test for us, and we should continue to steadfastly save people."

Upon this statement, practitioner A came to a new understanding, saying, "If we pay much attention on whether CCP will end, we place ending CCP as our goal..."

Practitioner C also came to understand, "We can summarize this discussion and submit it to Minghui/Clearwisdom. Hopefully more practitioners, including practitioners in the provincial capital, could pay attention to this."