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Treat Fellow Practitioners Having Tribulations With Righteous Thoughts

March 29, 2006 |   By a Dafa practitioner from China


In our region, when fellow practitioners were having tribulations, some practitioners failed to help them positively. Instead, they just talked about their shortcomings in cultivation and tried to find out their problems with them privately. They even blamed and resented them, saying that these practitioners had brought losses to the Fa-rectification in their region. This mentality and behavior is actually a manifestation of our attachment to human emotions.

When fellow practitioners are persecuted, it could be that they had some shortcomings in their cultivation. However, practitioners in touch with them should look inward themselves to see why these matters have happened around them, why they failed to prevent these matters from happening, and why they failed to exchange sincerely with them about the problems that they saw. It is not noble behavior even for everyday people to comment privately on the shortcomings of fellow practitioners when they are suffering from the persecution. The old forces, upon seeing these, might say: "You see they also agree that the persecuted Falun Gong students have human attachments and are blaming them. So we have done it right." Isn't this equivalent to acknowledging the persecution by the old forces? Consequently, we have virtually brought trouble to fellow practitioners although we superficially said that we wanted to help them.

I received some enlightenment on this issue from Teacher's Fa and would like to share it here.

When we think that a certain fellow practitioner has an attachment, it might not be the case. Instead, it might be a result of our human mind and human conceptions. The problems with fellow practitioners might not exist at all or, if they do exist, might not be so serious originally, but our attachment might aggravate the problems. If we always send out thoughts like this to fellow practitioners, the resultant substances of attachment can aggravate their tribulations and simultaneously undermine the force of our righteous thoughts to save them. When it comes to our mind to blame fellow practitioners, we should immediately realize that it is because of the old forces, who are trying to separate us, prevent us from exchanging, and destroy our energy field as a whole body. We should eliminate this thinking with righteous thoughts and remove the separation between us created by the evil. This is exactly what we should do to genuinely help and treat our fellow practitioners as Dafa practitioners.

On the other hand, all of our fellow practitioners are improving and changing in their cultivation every day, so we should not view them with the fixed standard that we used previously. We are not computers whose memory remains unchanged forever. If we always view fellow practitioners today with the old conceptions and frameworks from the past, then isn't it that our brain has become like computer memory? We should treat all practitioners today objectively and from a point of view that is free from the influence of any past conception. In this way, we shall improve together and accomplish our historic mission to save sentient beings.