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Walk in the Fa and Do the Three Things Well: What is Fundamental to Breaking Through the Arrangements of the Old Forces

March 29, 2006 |   By Shanguo

(Clearwisdom.net) The things that happened to other practitioners and me over the past few years shared common features; this made my think about them deeply. It was not that I did not understand, but I always felt that my understanding was not deep enough and did not transcend the superficial. Put another way, it is a state that we fall into of tiredly thinking about and resolving each problem at a particular moment. Recently, through studying the Fa and cultivating my xinxing, some of my human attachments that were ignored in the past have been eliminated, and my understanding of such issues is clearer. I'd like to share my understanding here.

What are these phenomena we encounter? For example, when encountering problems, some practitioners cannot identify what their problems are. Moreover, they cannot improve their understanding of the Fa principles. They remain puzzled for quite a period of time, and then the tribulation diminishes and disappears naturally.

Some practitioners remain despondent and within a certain frame of mind. Though aware that they are not cultivating diligently, they lack the will to break through. Yet, they are not totally away from doing the three things, they are simply not diligent. After a period of time they suddenly feel that they no longer think in the same way as before, and they become diligent again. This is not because they have cultivated diligently and made a breakthrough. Their poor status seems to have improved because of torment. For example, some practitioners' tribulations, which may appear as sickness karma, are sometimes violent and sometimes mild. They are in the tribulation for a long time; however, at a certain point in time it suddenly disappears without any explainable reason. Another example is when practitioners are illegally detained for a very long time, and then released when the term is due.

Some practitioners are attached to qing, human desire and ego. Then they are provided with the conditions that promoted their attachment to "qing" (for the family or between man and woman). They lost their way and walked their path under the control of their attachment towards their ruin, as if controlled by inertia. Today they attend sham lectures, tomorrow they indulge in fantasy. There are some individuals in various areas who claim they are extraordinary, defame Master and deny Dafa. To practitioners who truly cultivate, such people and such behavior are totally irrational and even associated with evil. Actually, isn't it because they have walked the path arranged by the old forces and have been totally controlled by the evil? If one does not let go of any attachment, especially those attachments that one should eliminate as soon as one starts to cultivate, the old forces will regard him or her as not qualified to be a Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioner. The old forces will then arrange for him or her to do all sorts of bad things and even commit crimes against Dafa. The old forces will make this person a puppet under their control, and with the willingness to comply with the old forces, this person will step with his or her own feet into the ruin arranged by the old forces.

There are all sorts of such phenomena. The above-mentioned are just a small portion and are only what all can see. Through studying Master's lectures again and again and with my cultivation experience in the past several years, I've seen that the old forces have made their arrangements in such detail that their arrangements are almost everywhere. I have a deep feeling about this. But I have also seen that when we Dafa practitioners, including myself, talked about identifying or breaking through the arrangements of the old forces, we used to do so from or within those arrangements. Therefore we often did not break through them at all. If we are unable to truly distinguish them and do not have time to carefully distinguish them, how can we talk about making fundamental breakthroughs? Further, we are not supposed to cultivate within the interference and persecution by the old forces, nor should we live for the purpose of distinguishing and breaking through the arrangements of the old forces. If we intentionally regard things as easy or simple, or as complicated, it won't be objective; nor can we truly achieve the effect of breaking through the arrangements of the old forces.

The most important things that we Fa-rectification practitioners should do are the three things required by Master, and we need to mature in this cultivation process and save sentient beings. This is most important, and Master has made it very clear in the lectures. However, the old forces continue to interfere, and there are so many hostile arrangements that are still in effect that interfere with both the individual practitioner and the effect of saving sentient beings by all practitioners as one body. Then how should we face the arrangements of the old forces, break away from them, and thoroughly make breakthroughs? After these years of tribulations and witnessing the cases of many other practitioners, I recently and finally enlightened to this from the Fa principles: Focusing on doing the three things well is the great path, and is the simplest and easiest way to break through the arrangements of the old forces. Put another way, the best way is also the simplest and easiest way. "Doing the three things well" is not only a cultivation requirement of Master for Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners, but also the most powerful key bestowed by Master for us to thoroughly break through the arrangements of the old forces. We should not pay a lot of attention to and try to think a lot about methods to deal with each of the arrangements of the old forces in order to do the three things requested by Master. Otherwise, to a certain degree, we would have already fallen into the tribulation arranged by the old forces.

If every day we can truly do well the three things required by Master attentively, steadily, and firmly, then that will be the main manifestation of strong righteous thoughts. If we keep doing this over a long period of time, then when we look back to review we will find that all the arrangements of the old forces were in vain. This is because if we truly cultivate diligently by continuing to do the three things well, this process itself transcends the arrangements of the old forces. Only on the great Fa-rectification cultivation path of doing the three things well can we unconsciously eliminate the countless arrangements of the old forces and dissolve them. Then, with indestructible righteous thoughts, we can complete our difficult mission of saving sentient beings well during this last stage of precious Fa-rectification cultivation.

March 4, 2006