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Believing in Teacher and the Fa, the Path of Validating the Fa Becomes Wider and Wider

March 24, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Jinan, Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) During the Chinese New Year, as usual I was busy visiting a relative, although I knew that it was more important to clarify the truth, make use of my spare time to study the Fa, and navigate the Minghui (Clearwisdom) website. Eventually I read the articles on Minghui about other practitioners who diligently followed the Falun Dafa principles, and I appreciated their experience sharing. The feeling I experienced made me want to shout, "Everyone! Please know the truth as soon as possible!"

I began to study the Fa in October 1998. Like many other practitioners, I started to practice Falun Dafa because of illness, in my case diabetes mellitus. I thought that, although I was still young, how could I possibly have such a short life when I have a small child? Due to my doctoral background, I understood the seriousness of this illness. The more I feared, the worse my heath became. When I joined a party for my mother's birthday in October, I met my sister. When she heard about my illness, she introduced me to the magnificence and supernatural power of Falun Dafa and encouraged me to practice. Although I was still doubtful, I decided to give it a try.

Several days later, I was free of the symptoms. The magnificence of Dafa appeared before my eyes! So, I put in the effort to cultivate with renewed diligence and vitality; I continued to practice the exercises every morning in a park and joined a Fa-group study every night. The result was very good. However, on July 20, 1999, the environment was destroyed due to persecution. Having no choice, I resigned myself to studying the Fa and practicing at home. Because my family and friends were misled by CCP rumors, they opposed my not taking medications, hence I started taking the medications due to the fact that the practice environment was ruined and I had no support. But when I studied "Your Mind Must Be Right" in Lecture Six of Zhuan Falun, I realized I could not overcome my weakness and was even full of fear. When I started thinking like a Dafa disciple, I stopped taking medications, yet in the environment of my family and friends, I resumed taking them. I kept doing this back and forth for several years. I stayed on the same level and I was quite worried about myself until several months ago when I had a dream in which Teacher encouraged me. I finally understood the meaning.

I dreamt that there were many people looking for something in a wide square. At this point, a man riding a horse came to us from the sky towards the south and then to the north until he neared us. I sensed this person was my Teacher and that I should follow him, so I jumped, trying to reach my Teacher, but I failed. I tried again but still failed. I continued trying to jump until I woke up. I then understood that Teacher was encouraging me to improve my level, or I would fail.

I then became determined to raise my level. Regardless of any situation I faced, I would follow Teacher to the end, totally denying the old forces' arrangements, clearing away all evil factors, and sending forth righteous thoughts.

Then I dreamed again more recently. In the dream I seemed to wait for my husband to come home, but he was busy speculating in stocks. As a result, I missed the bus. However, another bus was still available. At this point, I understood that Teacher was encouraging me to get rid of my attachment of sentimentality and money. Actually, prior to this dream, I had felt I was not qualified to be a practitioner but Teacher does not give up on any practitioner and I was encouraged again and again.

My illness vanished and I became very healthy, so healthy that people around me told me I no longer looked ill. In the meantime, my family's attitude toward Falun Gong changed; they turned from opposing me for not taking medications to tacitly permitting me to stop taking them. I returned to my mother's home for the Chinese New Year and took with me several "Falun Dafa Is Good" cards that would bring my relatives good fortune and protection. My mother and my sister-in-law were very glad to accept them. They are eyewitnesses to the magnificence of the Fa. They are happy about my health, while I gave them blessings to choose a bright future and save themselves.

Furthermore, my husband, who was indifferent, suddenly changed his attitude. He now supports me after his return from my mother's home. Teacher immediately eliminated his many karmic tribulations: First, he had a toothache on January 8; second, his gum swelled; third, the lymph node in his lower jaw swelled; fourth, half of his face swelled so badly that he couldn't open his mouth or eat anything else except a little rice soup. A few days later, he couldn't speak and could not even turn his head. I was worried if he could endure it. When I looked at my pitiful husband, I could not help saying to him that if he could not endure it, he could take some medication. Unfortunately, there was no inflammation medication at home and there was nobody at the hospital. Upon returning home, he continued to endure his pain. He then told me that it was the karma coming out. He continued to endure it without any medications for seven days. Finally he started recovering and became healthy. Now he studies the Fa with me every day, reads the materials, and has started to practice Falun Gong. Once, when he saw some "truth-clarifying" CDs, he deeply realized their profound meaning. He then began to do the three things and is making diligent progress.

I deeply understand through my experiences that one must get rid of one's attachments and believe in Teacher and the Fa. My family and I would never have become so healthy and harmonious if it were not for Teacher's protection. I hope my experience sharing will help those practitioners who still hesitate in their cultivation paths, who have gotten lost, or who have slacked off.

My level is limited, so if there is anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.
