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Thoughts on Rescuing Fellow Practitioners Locked in the Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp

March 21, 2006 |   By a practitioner living outside China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recent revelations about the atrocities going on in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp have shocked the world. It's indeed hard for people to imagine how, in today's civilized society, the CCP can get away with murdering people and profiting from their deaths by harvesting their organs while they are still alive. It's obvious that the CCP will stop at nothing to cover up its crimes. In spite of the terrible persecution, however, Falun Gong practitioners have persevered.

My understanding is that the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp was exposed because the Fa-rectification's field and the Dafa practitioners' righteous fields have gotten greater and greater, more and more evil beings are being eliminated in other realms, and the evil cannot sustain the large scale persecution in Mainland China any longer. Therefore, the evil is withdrawing to individual strongholds, such as Sujiatun. In other words, the evil is like garbage that has been swept up into piles, just waiting for us to eliminate it.

I would like to suggest that all Falun Dafa practitioners send forth righteous thoughts as often as practically possible. Let us add a thought to disintegrate all evil in other realms around Sujiatun Concentration Camp that persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, bring karmic retribution to the evil beings in this world, and strengthen practitioners locked in Sujiatun.

In order to rescue fellow practitioners that are still locked in Sujiatun, we should deal with this incident with righteous thoughts and help all Chinese people learn of this crime that the CCP has committed. In addition to doing the three things well, we must be careful regarding the safety of our fellow disciples and ourselves. We should be validating Falun Dafa with a rational and clear mind. We cannot let down our guard because the Fa-rectification situation has progressed. This is not "fear," but being responsible to Dafa and to ourselves.

If circumstances allow, fellow practitioners can collect information through more channels. The CCP has tried with all its might to destroy evidence, but its efforts will be in vain. All of this is under the control of our Master. The CCP's fate was sealed ever since the beginning of the persecution. This Sujiatun incident is a prelude to the CCP's demise.