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Cultivation Stories of Practitioners Forced into Homelessness

March 13, 2006 |   By practitioners from China

(Clearwisdom.net) In the over six years of persecution, some practitioners have been forced to live in a homeless situation. Our cultivation and paths that Teacher arranges for us are for practitioners to live and work among everyday people. Practitioners who are steadfast in their belief in Dafa and Teacher always follow the Fa in any circumstances, following the Fa's standards, purifying themselves, and saving more sentient beings.

Due to the persecution, one practitioner had to leave home and move to another city. She found a job which covered food and lodging and a monthly salary of 400 yuan. Then she connected with local practitioners and produced truth clarification materials with them with her income. The materials they produced could be used by 7 or 8 practitioners close by so that they could read Teacher's latest lectures and articles on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, and also have enough to distribute to others. The practitioner also clarified the truth to her boss. In the past few years, she even found a job babysitting for an additional 300 yuan a month. Her employers were very satisfied with her work.

Another practitioner's whole family practices Dafa. Because of frequent harassment by the CCP authorities, he and his family had to move to another place and rent a cheap house in a suburb. He collected wood as fuel for cooking and heat. To support the family, he tried to buy and sell small goods. Local practitioners helped him with money, but he managed to return everything bit by bit. No matter how difficult his life was, he never stopped studying the Fa, cultivating, and clarifying the truth. Now, his oldest daughter has grown up and found work. Although she is young, she has been doing very well. Her home is far from the workplace, but she always arrives at the workplace before seven o'clock in the morning, which helps her boss. Following Master's teachings, she has been doing well and received much praise.

A third practitioner got out of the detention center with righteous thoughts and actions, and was forced into homelessness. He used his own savings to rent an apartment for other practitioners to live in and for making truth clarification materials. Once he distributed a full box of materials containing more than one thousand copies. No one knew how many apartment buildings he visited or how many stairs he climbed. Later, he managed to start a small business to make some money to produce truth clarification materials, to support his family and to pay for his child's schooling. He has been working hard in the past several years. Now his child is attending college. The child cultivates himself well and also tries to help with family finances by providing tutoring to high school students during his holidays.

Practitioners' cultivation stories are endless. Though homeless, they have the Fa in their hearts. They do not wait for or depend on others. Keeping in mind that they are practitioners, they are more and more diligent. They are selfless, always putting others before themselves. They do the three things well and save sentient beings. Of course, all these come from Master's merciful salvation.

Let us walk well together the cultivation path that Master arranges for us.