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Additional Persecution News from China - February 6, 2006 (10 Reports)

February 22, 2006 |  


  1. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] More Than Forty Practitioners and Their Spouses Arrested in the Dachang Area
  2. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Hongge's Life in Peril at Siping Prison
  3. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Guards in the No. 8 Ward of Harbin City Women's Prison Torture Practitioners
  4. [Kalamayi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Practitioners Ms. Wei Shuyan and Ms. Zhang Ruiling Arrested
  5. [Chongqing] Practitioner Mr. Zhang Quanliang Arrested
  6. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Jiu Changying Arrested and Sent to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp
  7. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Mr. Yan Wei Still Being Held
  8. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners from Canzhuang Village Arrested
  9. [Shunde City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Wen Yi Arrested Before the Chinese Lunar New Year
  10. [Tianjin] Ms. Liang Arrested for Giving Someone a Truth-Clarifying CD

1. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] More Than Forty Practitioners and Their Spouses Arrested in the Dachang Area

Around February 5, 2006, more than 40 Falun Dafa practitioners and their spouses from the Dachang Area of Langfang City went to the Xianghe County Police Department to demand the release of practitioner Wang Shaoqiu. They talked to personnel for about an hour. The police department personnel promised to respond after a month. The practitioners them went to the county government. Approximately an hour later, a large number of police and dozens of police vehicles surrounded the practitioners and their spouses and took them to the Guangyang District Police Department in Langfang City.

2. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Hongge's Life in Peril at Siping Prison

Yin Shoudong, head of No. 14 Ward, is dedicated to making Falun Gong practitioners miserable at Shiling Prison in Siping City. He withheld Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Hongge's letters of appeal and supporting materials, and didn't hand them in to higher authorities according to legal procedures. Wang Hongge said numerous times in public that Yin Shoudong is holding all his appeal materials and they were never passed on to higher authorities. Yin Shoudong himself also acknowledged it.

Mr. Wang is presently in bad health due to the persecution. He is running a constant fever and has difficulty urinating. According to concocted "regulations," practitioners can't be released on bail for hospitalization unless they write the so-called guarantee statement to stop practicing Falun Gong. More than 60 practitioners are incarcerated in Shiling Prison in Siping City.

Gao Ping, Shiling Prison warden:

(Country code: 86, area code: 434. Do not dial area code before cell phone number)

5463498 (Office), 5462580(Home), 13904341008 (Cell)

3. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Guards in the No. 8 Ward of Harbin City Women's Prison Torture Practitioners

The practitioners held in the No. 8 Ward of Harbin City's Women's Prison took off their prison uniforms and requested that Liu Zhiqiang, head of the prison, and Xiao Lin, head of the 610 Office, release them and restore their good reputations. Their petition was rejected. On January 15, 2006, Liu Zhiqiang moved nine inmates charged with financial crimes to the 8th Ward. These individuals had previously tortured practitioners in the No. 9 Ward. They forced the practitioners into prison clothes. On January 17, inmate Zhang Liling beat practitioner Ms. Li Xiuhua. That same day they handcuffed eight practitioners to their beds, put the prison uniform on them, deprived them of sleep and kicked them whenever their eyes were closed. They did this behind closed doors for fear others would find out. Practitioners Ms. Jia Shuying and Ms. Li Xiuhua's mouths were taped shut and they were put into solitary confinement.

Harbin City Women's Prison:

387 Xuefu Road, Nangang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, P.R. China

Serious violations of prison law occur in this prison, including the following crimes:

Officers who personally participated in the persecution include: Zheng Jie (leader of the team), Zhang Chunhua, Sun Yu, Xu Meng and Huang Jing.
Inmates who participated include: Zhang Liling, Yu Guiqin, Zhang Hongying, Piao Meina and nine inmates who were moved from the No. 9 Ward (names unknown).

4. [Kalamayi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Practitioners Ms. Wei Shuyan and Ms. Zhang Ruiling Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Wei Shuyan from Kalamayi, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, was held at the Hami City Detention Center for a month for distributing truth-clarifying materials on October 1, 2005. She later returned to work. Three weeks before the 2006 Chinese Lunar New Year, personnel from the local Procuratorate office illegally arrested Ms. Wei again. She is still in detention.

On October 1, 2005, practitioner Ms. Zhang Ruiling from Akesu City in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region was arrested and taken to the Akesu City Detention Center because she was distributing truth-clarifying materials. She suffered from all kinds of tortures. The police do not give her food and forced her to sign the guarantee statement. They even attempt to sentence her to prison.

5. [Chongqing] Practitioner Mr. Zhang Quanliang Arrested

On December 7, 2005 practitioner Zhang Quanliang was illegally arrested. He is currently being held at the Liziba Detention Center.

6. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Jiu Changying Arrested and Sent to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp

During the middle of the night close to the end of November 2005, personnel from the Weitun Township Police Station in Jizhou City confiscated items in practitioners' homes in Jiuyang Village three times. They took away TV sets, VCD players, motorcycles and other personal property. Practitioner Jiu Changying was arrested and sent to Handan City Forced Labor Camp. When family members attempted to get their stolen property back, the police beat them and knocked out one of these people's front teeth.

Weitun Village Police Station: 86-318-8964400

Police driver involved in beating people: Zhang Tao

7. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Mr. Yan Wei Still Being Held

On January 19, 2006, personnel from the Fangshan District Police Station arrested practitioners Mr. Yan Wei and his wife, Ms. Jiao Ling, from Huadian City, Jilin Province. The couple was living away from home in order to avoid arrest. The police ransacked their rented home. Ms. Jiao Ling was released the next day because of her family's strong request, but Mr. Yan is still being held.

8. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Two Practitioners from Canzhuang Village Arrested

Before the 2006 New Year, practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuxiang from Canzhuang Village in Canzhuang Town distributed Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in that village. Zhao Fusheng, the village Party secretary; Tong Zhimin, the Political Affairs secretary; and 610 Office personnel arrested her and took her to the Linglong Brainwashing Center in Zhaoyuan City. These people even printed leaflets that slandered Falun Gong and declared that Zhang Shuxiang was distributing illegal information. The village authorities also adopted a policy of implication. They exerted pressure on Ms. Zhang's family members and even stopped her parents' pension payments.

Police officer Liu Jiangsheng is a Falun Dafa practitioner. Officer Liu was illegally arrested because of his practice. Since his arrest, Communist regime agents Liu Yueli, Liu Zhan'e, Liu Yuehua, and Dong Guangtong have been monitoring Mr. Liu's family. When another practitioner went to help the family with their farm work, Zhao Fusheng, Tong Zhimin, and Liu Fating, the village head, went to that practitioner's work place and ordered him not to have contact with Liu Jiangsheng's family. He was retaliated against for trying to do a good deed and helping a practitioner who was laid off from work for a week.

(Country code: 86, area code: 535)

Zhao Fusheng: 8322598
Tong Zhimin: 8322611
Liu Fating: 8322890
Liu Yueli: 8322623
Liu Zhan'e: 8322623
Dong Guangsheng: 8324016

9. [Shunde City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Wen Yi Arrested Before the Chinese Lunar New Year

On January 25, 2006, Guangzhou police arrested practitioner Wen Yi from Shunde City, whose household registration is in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. They forcibly arrested Wen from his/her work unit in Rongqi, Shunde City. At present, Wen Yi is being held at a brainwashing center. The exact address is unknown.

10. [Tianjin] Ms. Liang Arrested for Giving Someone a Truth-Clarifying CD

Someone reported practitioner Ms. Liang from the Shunda Xili Community in the Hedong District of Tianjin, some time before January 19, 2006, because she gave an elevator operator a truth-clarifying CD. The police arrested her.